6 Thought-provoking Quotes From The Book “The Naked Knight “

The book The Naked Knight has some pretty remarkable lessons on self-knowledge. What you experience in this fairy tale is the kind of inner “alchemy” that we should all go through at some point. There are not many books that talk as deeply about human transformation.

Another thing that is fascinating about this book is the author Robert Fisher. He was one of the best comedy writers in film, theater and television. He worked for Groucho Marx, Lucille Ball, and Bob Hope. Fisher had a phenomenal writing career, but was also wonderfully artistic in how he portrayed his optimistic and constructive vision of life.

His unique ability was to make people laugh and at the same time make them think. It forced us to see our own limits and abilities. His experience as a comedian and playwright also gave him the built-in ability to wake people up. It made his self-help books accessible, original and inspiring.

Quotes from The Naked Knight

The main story of the book presents a very unique knight. What you see is a man who is admirable at first glance: he is brave, noble and generous… But you will not spend much time noticing anything else. He is so in love with the way his armor shines that he can not appreciate everything else he has.

His blindness even brings him to the point where he neglects everything around him. Unable to see anything but his own worth, one day he notices something very important: his armor no longer shines. It’s starting to get rusty.

As a prisoner of himself, he embarks on a spiritual journey of transformation and overcoming obstacles. That’s when the book brings in some very original characters and experiences, and begins to teach us wonderful lessons. Let’s take a look at quotes from The Naked Knight and learn from the wisdom of them – and perhaps begin our awakening ourselves.

1. What’s under your armor?

The knight was completely convinced that he was good and generous. But his actions actually did not show any of the good. Under his shining armor was a man who needed to make himself look good to make up for everything he lacked.

This knight could fight in fierce battles against everything he saw as evil. But  at no point did he realize that there was an enemy inside him. He never noticed the angry dragon inside him that had captured his true self.

The truth is that we somehow get up every day with our rusty armor on. It is the one we use to hide things inside that we have not worked with. It is the resistance that holds our true selves in check.

2. Emotional relief

Recognizing your own needs and connecting to the emotions that are locked inside are the first steps to getting rid of the weight of the armor from your shoulders. When it comes to getting rid of that armor, there is nothing better than venting things, releasing tension, crying…

Realize what is important

This quote from The Naked Knight may be the one that deserves the most reflection. This knight plows through various kingdoms to do good. He saves people, defends them, protects them and fights against (what he sees as) evil. But he also ends up falling more in love with his own armor than he does with his own family.

His wife Juliet and his children are hardly a part of his memory. He has neglected what is really important in his life. Therefore, you should never forget that you are always free to change, grow and move on. But at the same time, that’s why you’re aware of your roots, of what’s important.

4. Here and now

Appreciating the present moment, being receptive to what is around you: these are ways of understanding what is truly valuable. Focusing on your ego, on what you did yesterday or what to do tomorrow, you just want to make the armor even more rusty. True light is something you find in the present. This is where all your possibilities are. This is where you can find happiness.

5. Self-love

There’s a point in the book when the knight can no longer cope with it. He has come so far into the forest of his unconscious that all he thinks about is running back to his family. But later he realizes something: he can not go back yet because he does not know how to take care of himself. Someone who does not know how to love seals will hardly be able to love other people as they deserve.

Thus we are called this first step in the transformation of every person: cultivate healthy self-love and learn to value yourself, heal yourself and take care of yourself.

6. To be quiet as a way of listening

What a gem we’ve found here in The Naked Knight . The knight must confront the dragon of his thoughts, where the battlefield is loneliness and complete silence. The situation is uncomfortable because there is too much noise in his mind. Moreover, he has his subconscious shields that prevent him from reaching his true self and defeating the false.

He finally manages to break those shields, understand his need and embrace his true self in the silence where he had no choice but to listen.

Before we go, there’s one thing we want to mention about Robert Fisher, the author. It was sometimes when he said that he got the idea for this book after several near-death experiences. Each time, his inner voice said, “Do not die. You still haven’t done everything you want to do. ”

This book was his mission, and his experience with it also transformed his life. He dedicated six and a half years to writing The Naked Knight . We hope these quotes will remind you that you are also on a mission to find your own purpose. But before you do that, you have to take off your armor.

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