7 Guidelines For Dealing With Unwanted Loneliness

7 guidelines for dealing with unwanted loneliness

Loneliness in itself is neither negative nor positive. It depends on how you go through loneliness and accept it. We are all alone from time to time – and sometimes we want to be alone. We need it, and it’s good for us. But there are times when we experience unwanted loneliness, such as when we are left alone. Being alone for a long time can be very tough because we are social beings.

Therefore, today we give you seven guidelines for dealing with this in an intelligent way and use them to help you grow as a person.

Unwanted loneliness

There are several forms of “negative loneliness”. A person may feel helpless, alone, with little prospect of the situation changing. To them, loneliness feels like condemnation: an unwanted situation, a punishment that is clearly unfair.

Unwanted loneliness is one of the most negative experiences for a person’s health, both physically and mentally. The concept of loneliness is different from isolation. Addiction is another side of the issue. We can say that they are three different faces of loneliness, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

What are the common forms of loneliness

First, it can mean being away from crowds, life’s struggles and noise… This kind of loneliness is necessary for us to be able to “renew ourselves”, pray, write or concentrate.

We need this kind of loneliness. If we can do it intelligently, it can bring us many benefits. But many times we do not choose loneliness; it is forced on us. If it is forced on, we can feel so lonely that even surrounded by people we feel alone.

lonely man

Tragic psychological loneliness

Psychological loneliness is perhaps the most terrible type of loneliness. It can turn into a pathology and even end in suicide. Loneliness can also come from feeling that you have no deep relationships. Maybe you do not have real friends or family you trust. People can also be predisposed to loneliness. There are studies that show that this usually increases as we approach the age of forty. It culminates when the children leave home and retirement age approaches. When children leave the house, “empty step syndrome” may occur. However, it does not have to be negative; we can take advantage of it.

There is another type of loneliness that occurs, usually in old age, when we lose independence and we have trouble getting around. But if we know how to accept it and make it work, it can enrich us.

7 Guidelines for Dealing with Unwanted Loneliness

Organize your life differently

Organize your life according to your current state (single, widowed, retired, childless, etc.). Get rid of stressful routines you used to have as a homemaker or employee if that is not your situation anymore. It’s time to update your routines.

Set up schedule

Stick to set times to go to bed and get up. Try not to let your life slip into “anarchy”. A schedule can give you a good sense of security. On days you do not have to get up early, do not stay in bed. You will only feel more miserable if your body does not follow a schedule.

Always eat at the same time

If possible, always eat at the same time. Have dinner every night, even if the meal is small. Do not fall into the trap of eating only when you are hungry or eating out of control. You will notice it in your physical health and state of mind. Disorders generate more disorders and it can lead to anxiety.

Try to set your own pace

Do not let yourself be controlled by your mood at the moment. “I’m bored, I do not want to take a shower and get dressed… I’m just going to lie on the couch all day waiting for a call or a visit that never comes.” Look at your to-do list and make something out of the day!

Do meaningful activities

Do you have a garden? Go out there. If you have a garden, take care of it; there is always something to do. If not, get indoor plants and take care of them. You can also take care of the house, organize, do the dishes… Doing something that distracts you and keeps you active is good and healthy.

Not just “kill time”

We need to find something that can fill our time. But we should do something that means something to us, something we like and that helps us develop. Do not complain that you do not have enough money. The rich are bored too. It’s about looking for something that attracts you and “hooks” you.

Shift gears

Make a change. Change habits, take some risks in your life, go to the movies even if you have no one with you, go out to dinner one day, travel.

The relationship we have to loneliness depends on us. Living alone does not mean being alone or being lonely. If you are experiencing such a situation, we hope these guidelines can help you, even just a little!

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