5 Books That Can Relieve Heartache

5 books that can relieve heartache

The ability to say a lot in very few words is something that belongs to geniuses. Geniuses like Pablo Neruda. One of his most famous quotes says:  “Love is so short and forgetfulness is so long”. Since not everyone is as bright as he was, some of us need more words to explain certain phenomena. Some write whole books. In fact, today we would like to show you a list of books that will help relieve the pain of your heartache.

Experiencing love is a wonderful thing. But experiencing heartache is very painful. When a relationship ends, we feel how the person we have given so much will no longer be a part of our world. This is something that can cause a great deal of suffering.

Books that can relieve a broken heart

Fortunately, nothing remains the same in this world. No matter how painful a fracture is, going forward is always an option as well as a necessity. We must look for our own self, our unique sound. In this sense, these books that relieve pain in heartache can be helpful. Use them as a temporary guide to help you return to your normal path.

“How to Overcome Emotional Dependency” by Walter Riso

Walter Riso is one of the authors who has contributed to modern psychology. He has explained it in a simple way so that we can all understand it. In this book , he helps us overcome heartache with his ideas that are accessible and without complexity.

Riso focuses on emotional addiction and how to get rid of it. Do you think you have experienced a toxic relationship? Maybe right now you feel that nothing makes sense. But the truth is that you are on a bright starting point to make your future healthier.

So if your life in a relationship has been particularly difficult due to jealousy or constant conflict, you should not hesitate to read this book. That way, you learn how to maintain healthy relationships and enjoy your life with company.

“Me cuesta tanto olvidarte” by Mariela Michelena

Let’s now talk about the work of a famous psychoanalyst, Mariela Michelena. This book is specially made for women. If you are at a point of no return and are unable to move on, this may be the book for you.

Often, at the end of a relationship, it is almost impossible to move on to the next chapter. No matter how much you want to move on, you can not do it. But sometimes a deep reflection from new perspectives that you had not imagined could be the solution. Michelena teaches us how to overcome this complex situation of resistance in the face of change. If you feel guilty and continue to think about your past relationship, take a look at this book. You have to move on without that person, whether you like it or not.

“Eat, love, live” by Elizabeth Gilbert

Let’s now look at a bestseller that has been made into a film with a cast that includes Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem. A woman who lost her way after a divorce decides to embark on a trip that takes her to Italy, India and Indonesia.

Gilbert no doubt knows what she’s talking about, since her book is an autobiography. Despite her pain, she took strength from her weaknesses to look for something better than what she had. Although this book is not written from a psychological point of view, it can inspire many.

“When Women Spoil Their Love” by Robin Norwood

Robin Norwood believes that loving too much means constantly talking about the other person. So, if all our conversations are about our partner, their problems and feelings, then we may love excessively.

However, Norwood is trying to help women who are addicted to toxic conditions. In this type of relationship, women create excuses for everything their partners do. Even when the partner’s actions are a constant nuisance to them. It is a good idea to change and put this kind of “excessive love” behind you.

“Why We Love” by Helen Fisher

Finally, we highlight the work of Helen Fisher among the books that can help relieve the pain of heartache. Without a doubt, this is a book that has aroused the curiosity of the scientific community. The author provides an explanation from a biological approach to brain function when we fall in love.

In this book , Fisher focuses on the functions of neurotransmitters  such as norepinephrine, serotonin or dopamine. This book will teach you why love brings out the best and worst in each of us from a purely scientific point of view.

We hope you find this list of books that are helpful in reducing the pain of your heartache. Let us remember that we are valid people who deserve to be happy. So do not think of a breakup as the end. It can be the beginning of something completely new and beautiful.

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