Advice For Preventing Scoliosis – 4 Training Exercises

Advice to prevent scoliosis - 4 exercise exercises

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that tends to occur during the growth period just before puberty. It is especially common if the growth happens suddenly. It can affect any part of the spine, but the most likely areas are at the thoracic level and the lower back.

There are exercise exercises designed to prevent scoliosis. These can be combined with orthopedic remedies or surgery.  In this article will suggest some exercises. If done correctly, they can help straighten your spine, ribs, shoulders and pelvis. All this can help you achieve a normal posture. However, we advise you to contact your doctor if your symptoms are severe.

Introduction to scoliosis

Scoliosis tends to occur in children. In most cases, treatment is not necessary, and the curvature will correct itself as the child grows. However, depending on the degree of curvature and the age at which it occurs, a combination of physiotherapy and orthopedics is recommended.

Children with scoliosis

A very low number of patients with scoliosis may need surgery. This occurs only in the most severe cases. Complications include chronic pain, difficulty breathing and a reduced ability to exercise.

Some studies say that targeted exercise is not an option for orthopedic drugs or surgery. On the other hand, it can be seen as a form of intervention therapy. Whether used alone or in addition to other types of treatment and therapy.

Benefits of using exercises to prevent scoliosis

Now, if exercise is not an alternative to surgery, why do it at all? As the title suggests, the primary function of these exercises is to avoid future complications. Because of this, the exercises provide these benefits:

  • Reduces the need for surgery or back support
  • Stabilizes or reduces the existing curvature
  • Stagnates the progression of the condition
  • Improves brain and muscle coordination

4 Exercises to prevent scoliosis

From here we will show you the four best exercise exercises to prevent scoliosis. If you do them often and correctly, you may notice that your symptoms disappear.

1. The plank

There are different ways to do this exercise, but they will all help to strengthen the core and abdominal muscles. It is recommended that beginners use the version where they keep their body weight up with their forearms and toes.

With your face facing the ground, hold your body up, and lift your stomach and legs so that they do not touch the floor. Then tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position for a minute while breathing deeply. After a minute has passed, then spend a minute resting. Repeat the exercise three times.

It is important to keep in mind, and make sure, that your body is completely straight and parallel to the surface. Do not bend your knees and do not let your back sink to the floor. It is important to do the exercises correctly,  as they can lead to complications if done incorrectly.


2. “Bird dog”

This is the best exercise to prevent scoliosis. You will need an exercise ball that can support your stomach. Lie on the ball while keeping your body calm and in balance with your toes.

Now, lift your left leg and your right arm up. Not higher than shoulder and hip height. Hold the position for three seconds before lowering your legs and arms slowly and in a controlled manner. Then lift your right leg and left arm, hold for three seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat this movement 10 times on each side.

Remember to stabilize your upper body with the exercise ball so that you do not fall or injure yourself. This exercise will strengthen both your back and core muscles.

3. Triceps lift

Triceps lifting helps to use muscles that provide support to your upper body. Free weights are perfect for this exercise, but if you have weak arms you can also use an exercise machine.

Sit on an exercise ball with your legs as wide as your shoulders. Take a weight in your right hand and lift it above your head. Then hold your right hand with your left hand. Now, bend your right elbow and push your right forearm down, behind your spine. Raise your right hand and exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times and then switch to the other arm.

Continuing to breathe properly is extremely important. Remember to inhale when you stretch your elbow and exhale when you straighten your arm.

4. Treet

This yoga pose is perfect for the prevention and treatment of scoliosis. To begin with, make sure your shoulders and feet are on the same line. Support your body with your right foot and tighten the muscles in your left ankle. Grasp the left ankle with both palms.

Then place your left foot flat against the thigh muscle on the inside of your right leg. Place your palms facing each other and lift your arms above your head while balancing on your right foot. Hold this position for between 30 seconds and one minute. Do the exercise 5 times on each leg.

These four exercises to prevent scoliosis will help keep away the most serious symptoms. However, if you notice a worsening or increasing pain, we advise you to contact your doctor immediately. They will tell you about the best ways to treat your condition.

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