Emotionary: A Fantastic Book About Emotional Education

This book is part of a project called Say What You Feel. The point of it is to explore the emotional world of children or adults.
Emotionary: a wonderful book about emotional education

Your emotional education plays a big role in the person you become in life. To  manage your emotions right makes you more intelligent. But first, someone has to  teach  you how. One of the best new tools out there for just this is the children’s book  Emotionary: Say What You Feel.

The book is intended for children (and their parents) as a way to help them define their emotions, as well as their causes and influences. That way, they will get to know themselves better, but they will also be quicker to feel empathy with others. The idea is that knowing how others feel not only makes you compassionate, it makes you intelligent. 

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to identify and control your emotions. It also means taking advantage of the opportunity to channel your energy in a positive direction. It is a skill that comes into play in all parts of your social life. However, this is not the only area in which it plays an interesting role. It is also about things like your internal monologue and the thoughts you make room for.

The shape of a head with a heart

However, emotional intelligence is not part of traditional psychology, and it is a whole new concept. It is not part of conventional intelligence tests. At the same time, many people see it as the reason why the  IQ test is outdated. IQ tests involve a different type of intelligence, one that is more analytical and logical. However,  developing this kind of intelligence does not make you better at dealing with your emotions.

That’s why tools that can  help people interested in emotional intelligence are  so wonderful. One of the best is  Emotionary.

What is  Emotionary ?

It is a book in the form of a dictionary with  42 entries ,  one for all emotions:

Love Tenderness Hate Anger Irritation Tension
Relief Ro Happiness Happiness Sadness Compassion
Regret Fault Flause Insecurity Modesty Confusion
Fear Astonishment Disgust Hostility Approval Misunderstanding
Helplessness Solitude Nostalgia Melancholy Boredom Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm Euphoria Discouragement Disappointment Frustration Admiration
Jealousy Desire Satisfaction Pride Happiness Gratitude

In the dictionary, each entry comes  with a visual representation of the emotions  and a brief description of what that emotion is. There is also another important point they add to each entry: the causes, consequences or other aspects of that feeling, in terms of the feelings after it.

The book is part of a project called  Say What You Feel  . The point of it is to explore the emotional world of children or adults. Emotionary  is just one part of this project. They also have a gratitude diary, activities, a reader’s guide, emotion workshops and ideas for using the pictures in  Emotionary.

How do you use  Emotionary ?

It is a perfect book for children from 6 years and up.  This is when they begin to feel complex emotions. It would not be useful at a younger age, because the content is too advanced for them. However, if you have the time and resources, it is definitely possible to customize if you want to start using it earlier.

Emotionary is  marketed as a  learning tool  for parents and teachers. It is great at home because it strengthens the bond between parents and their children through emotional understanding and communication. Teachers can also use it in schools because the extra materials can address questions, discussions and exchange ideas in the classroom.

Why is it such an important tool?

Whether you are a parent, a teacher or just an adult who spends time around children,  Emotionary is  a great tool. At home, it can be the child’s night book. You can use it with them (which is good for the bond between you), or let them use it alone (which will stimulate their intrapersonal intelligence).

Children draw emotions

There is an endless list of  included materials  you can use at school with this book. Their website has free resources organized by level of education (kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and high school). There are spreadsheets with colorful drawings about all the different emotions. There are also simple questions, visualizations of emotions and identifications of them through drawings and scenes.

Although only available in Spanish right now,  the publisher has a workshop  to help young children identify their feelings and express them in the right words.

Finally, we want to emphasize that emotional intelligence is an ability we use to develop ourselves and our relationships. That’s why  Emotionary  can be such a great help. It shows how valuable emotions are and brings that information to young children.

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