7 Self-esteem Quotes To Help You Value Yourself

7 quotes about self-esteem to help you value yourself

Assessing ourselves is a task many of us must continue to work on. Learning to identify all the good we have, what our strengths are and what areas we have talents in is important if we want to live a fulfilled life. And quotes about self-esteem can act as a compass. They can point us in the right direction to strengthen our self-love.

We know that this is not an easy task. Many people decide to give up and stop caring about their own needs. Many, after trying and failing, give up on themselves, because selfishness means making an effort. That means you have to face your demons. But it’s worth it. There is nothing like embracing yourself and picking you up. Being your own best friend and most important caregiver gives you the opportunity to feel alive and happy. Let some quotes about self-help help you.

We know that a quote in itself is not enough to ignite the spark of self-love. But it will invite you to think about it. And from this exercise, you can achieve deep and useful lessons. For that reason, we can say, without being afraid of making mistakes, that quotes about self-worth are worth having readily available to remind us of the value of treating ourselves with care. They remind us to nurture our self-love from time to time.

Quotes About Self Confidence

Hands holding a felt heart

You deserve your own love

This is one of those quotes about self-esteem that we should all add to our daily vocabulary. We are worthy and deserve devotion. In the same way, we have a duty not to ask for or accept crumbs or incomplete forms of love and affection.

Love nourishes us, and above all, our own does. It gives us strength, security and makes us love others. It is the cornerstone on which we build our lives and our relationships. He who builds his life out of love creates foundations that are difficult to break. The most important thing of all is to be aware that we have the right to receive love, both from others and from ourselves.

Be kind to yourself

We have a bad habit of criticizing and hurting ourselves with our words and judgments. It is easy to judge oneself strictly. It is a habit for many people, but restoring the damage it causes is not as easy. If you do it continuously, a spiral of pain and suffering is actually created that only gets bigger and heavier. And we do it almost every day and, worst of all, without even realizing it.

It is impossible to have good self-confidence if we continually attack ourselves and if we deceive and despise ourselves. Louise Hay offers us an alternative with her sentence. This author and American speaker trusts flattery and a positive language towards ourselves. Why not try it?

We deserve to be treated well, we deserve our own recognition. What’s wrong with telling ourselves that we’re doing everything right? We may not be used to it, but it’s a first time for everything. And showing yourself love deserves the highest priority.

Respect yourself for making better choices

This is another among today’s quotes about self-esteem that is closely related to the others in this article. We should always keep that in mind. Respect marks our future choices. Being loyal and true to ourselves determines every action and every choice in our lives. In addition, the way we respect ourselves will affect the way we treat people around us.

If we value and support ourselves, we are more likely to value others. If we despise ourselves, do not consider ourselves, and treat ourselves badly, others will probably do the same. It’s about prioritizing and loving oneself.

Woman looking at her mirror image

Do not let your happiness depend on others

Joy does not depend on others, no one gives it away or offers it. Real joy is an attitude and it arises inside. Therefore , we are the only ones responsible for how we feel, no matter how much the circumstances contribute to a particular emotional state.

It is wrong to give others the key to our well-being. We have the power to change situations, even if we are barely aware of it. It all starts with accepting and loving ourselves. If we do not do this, no one will do it for us. Do not forget it.

Want to be yourself

Thousands of people dream of being someone else. They fantasize about this, compare themselves with friends, and think that “if I had this” or “if I were”…  There  is nothing wrong with dreaming, but it is wrong to waste time on it. These people forget that being ourselves is something amazing with thousands of possibilities. They turn away from themselves and become unhappy.

We are limited editions. Unique and imperfect, but valuable to ourselves. There is no one like you and no one like me, and that is exactly what makes us special and different. It’s not about comparing yourself to others, but about discovering yourself. To look inward to awaken your full potential and enjoy yourself as you really are.

Appreciate yourself for acting

This is another one of our quotes about self-confidence that has a deep message. Valuing yourself is the beginning of everything, the springboard to a complete, happy and successful life. If we do not value ourselves, we can not do everything we want, and we will eventually stop growing.

When we value ourselves, we get to know each other, prioritize ourselves and give ourselves parts of our time. We stop living on autopilot. Instead, we begin to live consciously and regain control of our existence. Time is a valuable gift that we should not add to the page or take for granted.

Woman watching the sunset

The opinions of others are not your reality

We are social beings and the opinions of others have a great influence on us. We must learn to distinguish between what we are and what others think we are. We must be clear about what we want and what others want for us.

Whether they have good or bad intentions, the people around us will express their opinions about us. But they are just that, just opinions. Subjective realities that we do not have to share or agree with. We just have to respect them, without going to personal attacks. The most important thing to remember to avoid putting yourself in a risky situation and losing control is what you want and how you value it yourself. Most of all, it is important to treat yourself well.

As you can see, it’s complicated to love yourself, because it involves not only knowing yourself, but accepting and respecting yourself. Such quotes about self-esteem as the ones we have shared today can help you take in the most important aspects of believing in yourself, but it is you who has the power to do so. Treat yourself with love, appreciate your successes and acknowledge that there are many things you are good at. Take care of yourself, and please, do not forget to always pay attention to yourself.

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