7 Quotes By Leo Tolstoy You Should Not Miss

Greatness is not based on power or money, but on humility, generosity and honesty.
7 quotes by Leo Tolstoy you should not miss

Reading quotes by Leo Tolstoy is always a good use of time. Reading his quotes allows us to imagine a particular lifestyle from the past. They also let us learn about one of the most important Russian writers.

Leo Tolstoy was an interesting character. He was an anarchist and his own ideas and the realism he embraced bothered him quite often. Worshiped in many corners of the world, Tolstoy was able to introduce strong traditional morality into all of his novels.

Quotes by Leo Tolstoy you can not miss

Let’s read some quotes by Leo Tolstoy that have the potential to inspire us. This Russian author who was born in the 19th century wrote great historical novels such as Anna Karenina and War and Peace. He was a vegetarian and a strong supporter of other alternatives to violence to win battles.

Reading his great novels is definitely worth the effort. But before you embark on such a journey, you should read some quotes by Leo Tolstoy. They are filled with pure Russian realism that served humanity in the past and will continue to do so in the present and in the future.

Leo Tolstoy.

Learn to be happy

Leo Tolstoy did not reveal anything new with this quote. We have a certain degree of influence on the things that happen around us. The degree of influence we have on our thoughts and feelings is even greater.

Often we cannot change certain situations. However, we can change our perspective. We can look for hidden opportunities in other places, places we thought were empty.

The importance of faith

A man like Leo Tolstory, with great convictions,  had a special place in his life for faith. However, these beliefs were not limited to religion. Instead, they were part of different situations where faith plays an important role, either as a burden or as motivation.

Tolstoy firmly believed in anarchism, vegetarianism and peace. He had solid faith and put his faith in them. He found strength in them.

To feel misunderstood

It is not easy to have your own ideas and strongly believe in them. Many people feel misunderstood, and they put aside their faith and interfere with the society in which they live. Should we do that or should we stand by our faith and live a more lonely life? We invite you to reflect on that question.

Man with insecurity.

The right order to do things

What use is ideology, faith, religion or earth if you have nothing to eat? Before talking about philosophy, literature and other similar topics, would not it be best to put an end to hunger in the world? This is how Leo Tolstoy saw it.

A matter of priorities

This quote fits the previous one perfectly. Equality and a fair distribution of wealth were two very important things for Tolstoy. He believed that in order to be cultivated and educated, we first had to make sure that our basic needs were met so that we could focus on achieving greater goals.


For Tolstoy, a perfect marriage is one in which both people move in the same direction. So when a partner decides to go the other way, it can hurt what was built with love.


This is one of the most beautiful when it comes to quotes by Leo Tolstoy. Greatness is not based on power or money, but on humility, generosity and honesty.

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