You Decide If You Live Or Just Survive

You decide if you live or just survive

You decide if you live or just survive. If you let yourself flow with the current, go carefully through life on your toes because of the many dangers it presents, or if you take chances and enjoy what life gives you. Because he who takes no chances earns nothing, and in this life, unfortunately, no matter how much we want it, we can not control everything that happens around us.

You decide if you live under the weight of your worries about the thousands of accidents that can happen to you and those you love, or if you accept insecurity as just another part of your life. Ultimately, making a mountain out of a dump in the road is just one of the options available to each and every one of us in our daily lives.

But if, in spite of all this, you can not avoid feeling as if your excessive worry about many aspects of your daily life weighs on you, then you also suffer from what is called generalized anxiety disorder, better known as GAD.

Woman with half head over water

You suffer more if you live without living

If you live without living, by trying to avoid everything bad, you will eventually suffer without what you are trying to avoid actually happening. Predicting a possible source of suffering, an accident, a disaster, only makes you suffer over something that has not happened, and it will probably never happen.

This constant worry causes you to have problems with your concentration and difficulty sleeping, because you are constantly thinking about a dramatic future where extreme daily situations are affected by terrible things. You think the reason your child has not called you is because they have had an accident, or that you will not be able to do the tasks that your boss will eventually ask about.

And this will cause you to have a lower level of performance, which means, in part, that you confirm your worries and thus confirm the feeling that makes you be constantly worried. Which in turn leads to a vicious circle that grows with discomfort and anxiety, because if you feel anxious, you have a poorer performance.

The reason for this is nothing but anxiety, which does not allow you to do things in the best possible way, and therefore you feel more irritable than usual.

Furthermore, this is supplemented by physical changes that anxiety causes in our bodies, which, in the case of generalized anxiety disorder, tend to manifest themselves in the form of muscle tension and fatigue. So if you have constant muscle pain, without anything to justify this, or if you are not able to exercise as much as you used to, it may be because anxiety is leaving its mark on your body.

Woman with a knot in her stomach

You decide if you live your life

You continue to decide if you live your own life. If you accept that everyone, without exception, will suffer at some point, and that those who worry about it do nothing to help themselves avoid it, you can break the vicious circle.

There are many people who do not live out their dreams because they are too preoccupied with living out their fears. You can decide what kind of person you should be, one of those who live and enjoy every second of life or one of those who do not live because they are worried about suffering at all times.

You can start living as soon as you start focusing on all the wonderful opportunities that life offers you and that you are missing out on now, just by being paralyzed by your fear of missing them. Enjoy everything, including the little things, because we do not know what will happen tomorrow. Think of the fact that no matter what happens, we only get one life, so we have to make it mean something!

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