Is It Possible To Live Without Fear?

Fear can appear in many different forms. Deep down, however, is to suffer what we are all really afraid of. The problem arises when the fear becomes dysfunctional. Read more here!
Is it possible to live without fear?

You probably wished it was possible to live without fear. However, fear is a basic human emotion that keeps you safe from danger. Unfortunately, there is also a feeling that likes to take control. This sometimes makes it difficult to determine if something is actually dangerous or if it just feels that way.

It is in these moments that fear loses its adaptability. One of the most common types of fear people have is the fear of the unknown. The reason it is so universal is that uncertainty often prevents you from taking a particular path.

There are many forms of fear that you are not even aware of, such as fear of failure, of being vulnerable, of rejection, of “what people want to say”. Furthermore, there is greater fear, such as the fear of getting sick, of dying, of losing a loved one, of getting older, of being alone… Basically, we are all afraid of suffering. Sometimes, though, fear keeps you from shining.

Man with face in hand

Identify the fear that slows you down to live without fear

Think about all the things you are afraid of, and try to figure out what form they are taking. Thoughts, emotions and physical effects they produce are a combination that most people do not think about. Although they may seem separate, they live apart, for better or worse.

Just as feelings of fear affect your mind and body, you can reverse the process and use your mind and body to relieve the fear you feel. Fear has a life of its own. It is fast, short, breathless and constant. Thus, changing your actual breathing can help you calm down.

The story behind your fears

You need to confront your fears. The best way to do this is to find out what is causing your fears at certain moments. A good strategy for this is to write down what you fear and the possible reasons for it. Writing can help you create some order in the mental chaos that comes with feeling scared.

In some cases, a very specific fear is just a sign that you need better tools and resources. If you avoid letting it paralyze you and try to concentrate and analyze it, you will be able to find a lot of valuable information about yourself. It will also give you some clues as to what steps to take.

Some tips on how to live without fear

It is wise to learn to trust yourself, to feel that you have all the necessary resources to solve any potential situation that may arise. You can not control everything, so it is very useful to learn how to accept just this.

Just think of how you have gone through difficult things in the past and overcome them. Now you are stronger than you were before. However, if you think you are still capable of growing more in this sense, give it a try.

Stop being afraid of failure. Mistakes are really just a terrible synonym for a failed attempt, and they can actually give you the tools you need for future success. Life is not just about winning all the time, but also about gaining experience, experiencing new things and learning to overcome setbacks and difficult situations.

Woman in meadow

Your fear will not go away if you cling to what is safe

If you decide to cling to the safe, it makes you a prisoner of your own fears. You only limit your own potential. If the fear of failing, looking stupid, or being hurt prevents you from jumping into it, let fear and anxiety have all the control over your life.

Most of us have similar amounts of both of these negative emotions. Negative experiences etch into your brain, but that does not mean that you have not had any good experiences! Forgetting the good side of things is just another way of preventing yourself from being able to live without fear.

We suggest you read about the lives of others. Doing this can help you see more clearly how success almost always comes after mistakes and failed attempts. Believe that you can learn from your mistakes. Give yourself permission to mess it up. In this way you learn to live without fear.

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