Getting Bored – Benefits You Did Not Know About

We have all had to deal with boredom at some point, whether we have been to a meeting, stood in line or just been completely out of ideas. But getting bored can also have some benefits!
Getting bored - Benefits you did not know about

It is not true that you have to fight boredom by using or being dependent on external stimuli. It is possible to deal with boredom alone and in silence. In fact, it is a skill you can master. This skill can actually increase your capacity for creativity!

According to Guillermo Funes, a professor of psychology at Carlos III University, “Boredom drives creativity. It breaks down routines and can create something new ”. When you get bored, you start thinking about new things and ideas can flourish. In a way , we can say that boredom sharpens both your imagination and creativity.

A study from the University of Central Lancashire claims that boring activities, such as attending meetings, can lead to more creativity. In contrast, other activities, such as writing, can reduce creativity. If we consider these results, it may be appropriate to get bored sometimes.

If getting bored is so great, why do we feel bad when we get bored?

Why do we immediately look for something to do when we are bored? What is behind our inability to tolerate this condition? Beyond the negative label that boredom often gets, it can also be interpreted as a sign of an empty life. It also reminds us that we are not doing anything useful or productive.

What do you usually do when you are bored?

In our hyper-connected and hyper-stimulated lives, boredom is both a scarce commodity and a common disorder at the same time. When we get bored, we immediately turn to external resources such as television or other technology to get us out of boredom. We do not know how to enjoy the free time we have. Our first priority is to keep ourselves busy.

This does not mean that we have to spend most of the day getting bored. Rather, it means that if we listen to ourselves and discover what we want to hide under a bunch of activities, it can help us in various ways.

On the other hand, an abundance of social stimuli can make you feel a kind of false boredom. Maybe we just do not know how to enjoy the simple things. Most of the time you are not bored because you have nothing to do, but because the stimuli are not satisfactory enough.

To combat the discomfort of being bored, you need to understand why you are bored. Get bored and see what happens.

Being bored at the right time is a sign of intelligence

Is boredom good for you? As with all things, too much boredom is a bad thing. As we have seen, boredom stimulates creativity. When you are in this state, you are looking for new ways to entertain yourself. Going on social media and using electronic gadgets will not help you develop a lot of creativity. On the other hand, if you let go of boredom, imagination and ingenuity come into play, and you can create a whole world full of new possibilities.

If you try to bury the boredom in activities you will miss your own creativity.

In addition, excessive boredom can lead to higher intake of alcohol and tobacco. It can make you develop a more extremist mindset. The fact that we are bored every day may indicate that boredom serves a purpose. This is exactly what Heather Lench, a professor at Texas A&M University, argues for. After all, emotions like fear can help us avoid danger. Sadness can help us avoid making mistakes in the future. What purpose can boredom serve?

Heather Lench suspects that boredom is behind one of our most important traits: curiosity. Boredom helps us avoid falling into the same routines. Getting bored encourages us to set new goals and explore new areas or ideas. Bored, your brain will thank you for it!

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