Find Inspiration In Your Heart

Find inspiration in your heart

Everyone needs motivation to be able to move forward in life. It is difficult to find the right path that will lead us to success and happiness if key factors that will help us maintain focus are lacking. Especially if the inspiration is not on your side that day.

Along the way, we may face challenges, ups and downs, defeats and difficult moments that make us feel like we have no strength left. The motivation and strength that enables us to move forward is starting to disappear.

The stress that one lives with in this society, the emotional backpack that we carry with us  and the setbacks we experience can all contribute to us moving away from our emotional well-being… All this, however, is at the same time also crucial for our journey. We must remember that negative as well as positive experiences are what make us who we are today.

Woman by the sea at sunset

It may be that the foundation for our salvation is laid in the difficult times where one lacks inspiration. Regardless, as Picasso would say, inspiration disappears as soon as it comes to us if we do not work for it. This is the only way to get it to stay with us.

Take a look inside to find the inspiration

To know which path you want to take in life, you should not let others mark it. After gathering all the necessary external information, you should be able to take a look inside to find your passions. The passion goes perfectly hand in hand with the inspiration, where it follows it without hesitation.

To be able to find the necessary inspiration that stimulates motivation, you only need to sit down and make a list of what passions you have. You should be honest with yourself as you, along the way as you write them down, will even notice which direction you want to take.

Once you have realized what it is you want to achieve, do not limit yourself. Remember that if you actually want to achieve something, you just need to find the necessary tools to manage this.  Achieving your dreams is not a problem if you have enough motivation and inspiration.

One of the most important ways to survive difficult times is to know and be true to your passion. Then even in the darkest periods you can see a glimmer of light on the horizon.

Think about what you can do today to improve

Think about this idea. Fear is a re-active emotion: it is manifested by a stimulus, whether real or imagined. In the event of such a reaction, we have the opportunity to take a subsequent action that restores the balance. If the threat is a crocodile, running will probably save our lives, but in the case of a job interview, fleeing or a fight will not get us the job.


In the event of fears arising from situations, such as a job interview, our further actions are very important. This applies to actions that make us relax, that make our heart rate go down and that make us have the best starting point. There are actions that make us not forget our jacket in the waiting room, that do not make us tremble when we greet, and that make it easier to put ourselves in a comfortable and calm position.

When you focus on actions that block negative emotions, you will notice how the degree of control increases. Gradually, you become more yourself in situations that you previously interpreted as threatening.

Do not forget that all your dreams and memories guide you

Dream catcher

One of the best ways to find inspiration and personal satisfaction is to follow your dreams. Think about what you dream about every night and what it is you want to achieve. Give your memories meaning and talk about it so that they gradually make you take the first step towards where you actually want to be.

You will find the key to happiness in your heart. This key opens the drawer of inspiration where you will find all your passions. Release them. Do not allow external circumstances and other people to tell you what to do and how to do it. It is your challenge, your most beautiful responsibility, and no one else’s.

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