7 Tips: You Can Think Like Sherlock Holmes

7 tips: you can think like Sherlock Holmes

If you want to learn to think like Sherlock Holmes, you have to enter his mind. It is no small task, considering that his is one of the clearest minds in the history of literature. Conan Doyle gave his character a world-renowned way of thinking. It required attention, discipline and some natural skepticism. Not to mention a questioning, curious and energetic way of looking at the world, which all of us could learn to emulate with some work.

It was forensic surgeon Joseph Bell who inspired Conan Doyle to create his famous Baker Street character. Bell said any diagnosis must be based on three basic steps. And this is true whether the context is forensic, scientific or something else. The three steps are: 1) careful observation, 2) insightful inference, and 3) confirmation with evidence. Learning this strategy and putting it into practice is not something you can do in a day or two. It requires training the brain and understanding all the cracks and grooves in your mind.

The Scottish doctor that Conan Doyle had the good fortune to meet was always very proud to be the author’s inspiration. He even wrote the prologues to some of Conan Doyle’s novels. And Conan Doyle was not only inspired by Doctor Bell’s analytical methods. He was also attracted to the personality and reasoning of another famous detective named C. Auguste Dupin. Dupin was a detective made by Edgar Allan Poe in his book The Murders in Rue Morgue .

Arthur Conan Doyle knew very well what he wanted when he defined the character’s personality traits one by one. He should not be a simple man, he would not write the classic hero. He had to have a dark and conflicting side, as well as an eager sense of justice. Above all, his detective had to have the most radiant mind of all time. There is no doubt that Conan Doyle achieved his goal…

Learning to think like Sherlock Holmes is within reach if you use the following strategies…

Sherlock Holmes

Develop your skepticism

There is nothing worse than neglecting to ask questions about ideas or thoughts. No greater enemy than having a passive attitude to the events and information around you. Also, if you do not learn to question your own thoughts and attitudes, you will rarely be able to look past the cloud of smoke.

To learn to think like Sherlock Holmes, you must go through a preparation phase. This step is intended to remove any prejudice you may have. You must also stop taking other people’s opinions and arguments as truth without checking yourself. After all, they are not indisputable universal truths. Learn to filter through the information you receive and be skeptical. Be curious and defiant. Learn to look past the tip of your nose and check all the automatic reasoning that you do not usually question.

2. Inclusive thinking

When Sherlock Holmes receives a letter, he does not limit himself to just reading the words. In fact, sometimes the text is the least important part. The “Holmes method” involves developing inclusive thinking. Everything is important here, and you can get information from absolutely everything. Thinking like Sherlock Holmes means remembering that every object, face, voice, trivial gesture, or seemingly indefinable setting provides much more information than you think.

Remember, for example, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle . With an old hat and a goose, Holmes insightfully solves one of the most complex cases Conan Doyle has ever made.

Sherlock Holmes

3. An authentic commitment

Anyone who reads Sherlock Holmes understands this important aspect of his personality. The Baker Street resident goes from deep inactivity and lethargy to activity and movement when something catches his interest. That’s when his brain focuses and stops its lazy and uninterested wandering.

Holmes will not accept cases that are not stimulating enough for him. He also does not want to take on customers he does not trust. His mind is selective. He saves time and energy on things that match his values ​​and interests. So he only takes on issues that motivate him and really challenge his abilities.

4. For better understanding, sometimes you need to take a step back

To learn to think like Sherlock Holmes, you should use another of his techniques – imaginative thinking. Holmes has many moments where he juggles countless facts, loose ends, testimonies and imprecise and conflicting emotions. He needed to organize them in order to analyze them and come up with credible theories to explain what happened.

To do this, he did not hesitate to lock himself in his room and close the door on the world. His pipe and violin helped him retreat to his “palace of mind” and refine his observations. Sometimes the best way to think through all the information you have is to take a step back to see a bigger picture. Often the key is to stop gathering new information and instead focus on and work on what you have.

Sherlock Holmes

5. A diary can help

Sometimes you become arrogant and tell yourself that you do not want to forget such and such details or information. That’s a mistake. Taking a diary for help is a smart strategy. Writing down your thoughts and ideas on paper is a great way to remember information. Not only that, it helps you reflect, channel ideas and compare concepts.

And do not forget that Holmes himself, as well as the researcher André-Marie Ampère, always had a pen and paper with them. Ideas are free, they come and go as they please. Therefore, it is important to be prepared to catch them when they arrive unannounced.

6. To learn to think like Sherlock Holmes, seek out mental challenges

There is something important about Sherlock Holmes’ character that you should keep in mind. His deduction skills, his ability to analyze, and his ability to connect seemingly unrelated events were not inherent skills.

The one who had a truly exceptional intelligence was his brother Mycroft. Everyone described him as the best mind in England. Yet his incredible brain was a contrast to his passive attitude. He was a man who followed strict routines and did not like action or fieldwork. He gladly passed these tasks on to his younger brother. Holmes had a restless mind that needed constant stimulation, challenges and mystery. These puzzles challenged and “fed” his mind at the same time. He used them to hone his skills as a detective.

7. Use your abilities for goodness

One thing that Dr. Watson often pointed out about his dear roommate was the fact that Holmes used his wonderful abilities to do good things. If the opposite had been true, Sherlock Holmes would have been on the same team as the other radiant mind – Professor Moriarty.

This leads us to reflect on a particular idea. Our intelligence and our cognitive abilities need some kind of purpose. They need motivation, a reason to continue to train and improve our reasoning and our reflexes.

Thought without motivation or inspiration is not good for much. In fact, Holmes used to turn to a “6% cocaine solution” when he went for several days without cases. He was having a hard time in those days, they went as slowly as the fog of London and his mind had no purpose or goal.

Sherlock Holmes

Learning to think like Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly an excellent idea for everyday life. Yet we can always fall back on the magnificent Holmesian history to inspire us. Dozens of experiences can teach us a little more about the methods and strategies of one of the most beloved and admired characters in literary history. Not to mention that he is one of the few characters who had to be brought back to life due to popular demand, against the wishes of his author.

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