Myths And Facts About Ayahuasca And Yagé

Learn all about ayahuasca in this article!
Myths and facts about ayahuasca and yagé

Ayahuasca is a sacred plant for several ancestral communities in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru, among others. It has hallucinogenic effects similar to the so-called “psychedelic drugs”. People use this entheogen to make a  compound called ‘yagé’ from the ayahuasca plant. Yagé is basically a drink with strong psychoactive powers.

The indigenous communities that use this plant believe that it is spiritual. They use it to improve physical and mental health. For them, this plant is a door that leads to a higher and healing state of consciousness.

Because of this, there are many myths about ayahuasca in the western world. Many have even taken up yagé to gain access to the ever-famous higher states of consciousness people are so interested in.

Others, on the other hand, confuse this plant with regular party baptism and consume it without knowing exactly what it entails. In this article we talk about myths and facts about ayahuasca.

A drawing of a primordial woman.

Ayahuasca: A healing plant

To the indigenous people of the Amazon, ayahuasca is more than just a medicine. They have used it for thousands of years both to prevent disease and to strengthen the mind. The shamans in these communities organize rituals in which ayahuasca is consumed every 7 to 14 days.

Ayahuasca is not the only plant used to prepare yagé. In fact, another plant called Psychotria is also used, which contains dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a substance that is banned in several countries. Both plants are prepared to make a liquid substance with a dense consistency, similar to syrup. The people who prepare them usually dilute them in water before drinking. They have a bitter taste, which many describe as repulsive.

Ayahuasca has some laxative effects. Those who drink it can vomit and get diarrhea in a matter of minutes. According to Indigenous peoples of the Amazon, this is a healing effect.

This cleansing represents the body that gets rid of every single toxic substance. From a psychological point of view, the plant causes “hallucinations”. However, these are not the usual hallucinations one gets from a psychedelic drug. Ayahuasca visions lead to a greater understanding of reality.

Ayahuasca in a cup on a gargling cloth.

The Ayahuasca experience

The effects of ayahuasca vary from person to person, both from a physical and mental point of view. The effects not only lead to hypersensitivity of the senses, but also cause hallucinations associated with the unconscious realities. This explains why some may have a “beautiful” experience, while for others it may be confusing, frightening and even hurtful.

Ayahuasca does not lead to addiction. In fact, many people never drink it again after the first time (vomiting and diarrhea may be too much for some). Nevertheless, this drug has powerful calming effects that improve the state of mind. In fact, it is one of the main reasons why many people with depression try it.

A group of people trying ayahuasca for the first time.

The dangers of this entheogen

The physical effects of ayahuasca can be extremely unpleasant for some people. It can also be dangerous if a person who is already using other medicines or suffering from certain diseases, uses it. Shamans always ask about medical history to know if a person can try it or not.

It is common for people to have hallucinations related to their unconscious conflicts. Many people watch episodes from childhood (perhaps traumatic), while others watch current events. If an emotional or mental conflict occurs, ayahuasca is likely to cause it to appear in a very unpleasant way and with unpredictable consequences. It is important to mention that taking it can lead to psychotic outbursts, hence the importance of talking to the shaman about your medical history beforehand.

Ayahuasca is consumed in groups. The presence of a shaman is extremely important, as they are the only ones who know how to guide a group.

Some people and companies offer psychedelic experiences and sell this drug in the streets. If you are interested in trying it out, do research, as it is better to be careful than after soon.

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