Schedules And Productivity Are Related

Schedules and productivity go hand in hand. You probably know when you are most productive. However, this is not so clear in group settings.
Schedules and productivity are linked

Your plans directly affect your productivity. This is because you do not feel the same at 08.00 as you do 12 hours later. Similarly, if you work 20 days in a row, you will not be as productive as if you had rested four or five days during that period. Schedules and productivity are closely linked.

However, we can not generalize. What may be a productive schedule for some will not be so for others. Although there are certain common patterns in humans, education and habits also play a role in shaping them.

Schedules play a very important role in working more intelligently. In fact, they allow you to be more productive with less time and effort.

Man at work.

Schedules, productivity and cycles

The human body works cyclically with the circadian rhythm, which lasts for 24 hours. It determines a certain amount of regularity between sleep and wakefulness where there are peaks and declines in activity every day around the same time.

These cycles vary from person to person. In the course of a day, there are 90-minute blocks where you have a higher ability to concentrate. Therefore, these are the blocks for maximum productivity.

These blocks are known as ultradic rhythms, and they coincide with the times of day when your brain has the most energy. At the end of each block, there is a decrease in energy, which affects your productivity. They mark the times when your brain needs a break.

The most productive hours of the day

Based on what we mentioned above, it is best to synchronize ultradian rhythms on the more focused and complex tasks you need to do during the day. Similarly, you can use the blocks in between to perform your more routine tasks that do not require much focused attention.

Therefore, you need to know how to identify your own ultradian rhythms. The only way to do this is to track them down, as you probably know when your most productive times are. However, this is not enough as you need to be a little more specific.

A good way to do this is to make a chart. You can score every hour you want to score on a scale of one to five, depending on how effectively you have managed to concentrate during that time. After a few weeks, you have a clear idea of ​​how ultradian rhythms work.

Then analyze your data and organize your activities in such a way that you get the most out of both the peaks and valleys of the concentration levels. This way you increase productivity.

Woman working on pc.

Work fewer hours, but more flexibly

A study conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published in The Economist revealed extraordinary data. The researchers concluded that the longer a person works, the more productivity is reduced.

This is bad news for people who enjoy classic working hours. However, many already suspect that spending more time on a task does not necessarily guarantee better results. If you work fewer hours, you may actually feel more eager to complete the task in less time.

After much discussion on the subject, the experts partly concluded that working methods affect productivity more than work plans. Consequently, if you have the right incentive, you will be more productive. While it may not seem like much to work one hour less each day over a week, this is almost equivalent to a day off.

Today, most companies tend to work fewer hours, as they have realized that this leads to greater productivity. On the other hand, some companies choose a targeted approach. In other words, the worker can leave as soon as they have completed their assigned tasks. Nevertheless, this debate is open to discussion. However, one idea is still clear, overtime is not good for anyone.

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