Beauty Is Accepting Who You Are

The most beautiful people are those who put convention behind them in order to be their true authentic selves in every moment and in every relationship.
Beauty is accepting who you are

There is nothing more attractive than accepting who you are. There is no greater satisfaction than discovering your value, strength and needs. Only then will you make the best decisions, the decisions that will set you free and filled with the special beauty that makes you unique and real.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us in his books that you are most beautiful when you live and show that you are in touch with your inner self. In this state, you do not seek acceptance from others. Instead, your own heart and your essence confirm you.

Yet many of us have still not found or recognized our true selves. It’s almost like a strange magic formula. You only value yourself when others confirm you. You emphasize that others give you positive reinforcement with their words, movements, comments and recognition. If it does not happen, or it does not happen very often, you may feel invisible. Self-esteem begins to unravel.

On the other hand, the Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han says that we “burn” in hell of conscience. In his book, The Expulsion of the Other: Society, Perception, and Communication Today, he invites the reader to reflect on this idea. We lose our ability to value each individual’s uniqueness, the things that set us apart from other people. Byung-Chul He believes we should be more concerned with our identity than satisfying the desires of others.

Accepting who you are: The art of true attractiveness

Accepting who you are takes time. But when you get there, everything changes. You put the limitations of conventionalism behind you, along with all the limitations you place on your heart, mind and body. All your worries about making other people happy and living up to their expectations just disappear.

When you reach this peak of personal development, where Maslow has placed self-realization, the world looks different. You have a better perspective and a sense of inner peace. In the eyes of others, these qualities are as attractive as they are desirable.

But, when we look again at Byung-Chul’s theories, there is something to keep in mind. Sometimes you perceive yourself as a completely actualized person because you have achieved a level of development that society defined for you. At some point, however, you realize that you are not on top of a mountain, but instead in a deep gorge.

 A woman sitting on timber over a ravine.

Our consumer society and even our education system steer us towards material success. This path has nothing to do with self-realization.

If you really want to accept who you are, you have to conquer other territories. We talk about things like self-knowledge, self-confidence, self-love, self-confidence, the ability to achieve, and emotional independence.

Three steps to accepting who you are

According to a study from the University of Berlin by Ulrich Orth and Ruth Yasemin Erol, most people reach their highest levels of self-esteem in old age. To be more specific, most people reach their highest self-esteem when they reach their 60s. Why do we not get there earlier? Why do we not develop this important “muscle” of personal development when we are young?

This is due to many factors. But beyond the things that can limit you and make it difficult to accept who you are, there is a need for change. This is the need to be proactive and work with your own self-confidence and self-realization. Here are three steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation.

Improve your attribution style

The attribution style is how you relate to your achievements or mistakes. When you achieve something, is it because others have helped you? Or is it because you worked really hard? It is important to take the reins in your own life. To do that, you need to recognize your own worth and abilities.

The only voice you should listen to is the one inside you

Your world is full of thousands of voices. Voices of your family, professors, bosses, co-workers, friends, partners, social media and even political and social gurus. Your world is full of people who give you advice and tell you what to do.

Among all that noise, there is a voice that is often drowned out: your own. Use some of your energy to turn down all the ambient noise once in a while. Listen to yourself, pay attention to yourself, and get on wavelength with your own needs.

True beauty is accepting who you are.

Let your passions shape your life

If accepting who you are is a priority, follow your passion. Do not be distracted by the advice of others, do not listen to what they think you should do. Get in touch with your identity and let your preferences, identity and essence shape your life. If you try to live in everyday life in accordance with these principles, you will be more satisfied. Not only that, but you will be so much closer to self-realization.

People who are brave enough to follow their own path without caring about what others think always seem more attractive. This is because the most beautiful people are the ones who put convention behind them in order to be their true authentic selves in every moment and in every relationship.

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