Learn To Increase Your Self-love With 7 Simple Steps

Learn to increase your self-love with 7 simple steps

Self-love is a very popular concept, but it is not always well understood. Self-love is not an act, but rather a state in which you feel good about yourself. In this sense, it is important for your overall well-being. It affects the way you interact with others. It affects the self-image you show at work and the way you handle problems.

Self-love is a fundamental element of individual well-being. But practicing self-love can be a challenge for many of us, especially in moments when we face serious challenges. It is not about being narcissistic, but about getting in touch with yourself, with your well-being and your happiness.

What is self-love?

Self-love is not just a state of feeling good that can be achieved by maintaining your self-esteem. Or through inspirational quotes or by spending quality time with your loved ones. Or even of joy through the activities we enjoy in solitude. Despite how satisfying these and other activities can be, this is not selfishness.

Self-love is a state of self-esteem that grows from actions that support our physical and psychological health and stimulate our spiritual growth.

hands shape heart

Self-love is dynamic. It grows through actions that make us mature. When we act in a way that expands our self-love within us, we begin to accept our weaknesses and strengths better. And, we feel less need to explain our shortcomings.

It makes us feel compassion for ourselves as human beings struggling to find personal meaning. This allows us to focus more on our purpose and our values. Those that we hope to achieve through our own efforts.

7 steps to increase our self-love

  • Be alert and attentive: People with greater self-love tend to know what they are thinking, feeling and wanting. They are aware of who they are and use it in practice. They do not behave according to what others want for or from them.
  • Act according to your needs, not your desires: To love does not mean that you have to fulfill other people’s desires, but rather give them what they need. Loving yourself works under the same premise. Focusing on what you need will keep you away from patterns of automatic behavior that are less healthy. These can give you problems or keep you rooted in the past.
girl draws heart on the ground
  • Exercise Good Personal Care: One way to love yourself is to take care of your basic necessities. People who love themselves, care daily with healthy activities. This includes good nutrition, exercise, maintaining good sleeping habits and healthy intimate and social interactions.
  • Establishing boundaries: A person who loves himself has the strength to establish boundaries and say no to something that affects them physically, emotionally or spiritually.
  • Protect yourself from toxic people: A person with self-love protects himself from toxic people and does not waste time with people who are trying to poison their spirit.
  • Forgive yourself: We, as human beings, can be very hard on ourselves. But being responsible for our actions does not mean that we must punish ourselves for those actions. People with selfishness learn from their mistakes, accept their humility and forgive themselves.
  • Live with purpose: To accept and love yourself more, to be aware of what is happening in your life, it is good for you to have a purpose. If you intend to live a meaningful and healthy life, you should make decisions that support this intention. This will allow you to feel good about and with yourself when you succeed in this endeavor. You will have greater self-love if you see yourself achieving what you want to do. To do this, you must therefore determine what your intentions are.

You can not love another person more than you love yourself. Therefore, it is a must that we learn to love ourselves, to be able to offer love to others.

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