7 Ingenious Quotes By George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw was without a doubt one of the most interesting writers in modern history. All his quotes help us reflect on life and the world. His sharp mind represents the best of universal thinking.
7 ingenious quotes by George Bernard Shaw

These George Bernard Shaw quotes are literary footprints of the great Irish writer and playwright who lived between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He understood the spirit of modernity as few did.

George Bernard Shaw was also a critic, commissioned by major newspapers in Britain to criticize art. He stood out as one of the most ardent observers of culture at the time.

This important character became known mainly because of his plays. Like Oscar Wilde, he stood for his interesting irony and his elegant sense of humor. George Bernard Shaw’s quotes are true works of wisdom. Here are seven of the best.

George Bernard Shaw’s quotes about life

One of the recurring themes in the quotes of George Bernard Shaw is life. The next quote, for example, synthesizes his ideas about destiny, responsibility, and the meaning of life.

George Bernard Shaw quotes about happiness

He made a solemn observation in another quote:

It is a reminder that we are only in this world temporarily, and that we should not take anything with us to our grave.

If you do not want to do it, let others do it

This is one of the most interesting quotes from George Bernard Shaw:

This quote warns us to stay away from the “dream killers”, who often chase those who dare to strive and try to make their dreams come true. In other words, if you do nothing to achieve what you want, you should at least respect those who do.

How we get older

Aging is one of the inevitable facts. Whether we like it or not, it is a process that everyone must go through. However, we are not always ready to face that reality.

In this regard, one of the quotes of George Bernard Shaw is reminiscent of what really represents old age:

So, by continuing to play, you stay forever young.

George Bernard Shaw about acting and not reacting

All the quotes by George Bernard Shaw are witty and profound. However, there are some that are truly overwhelming. This is one of them:

With grace and charm, it only tells us that we are the subjects and not the objects in life. The subjects make decisions and create their reality. Objects only work by responding to the events that others create.

woman walking

The barrier of fear

Fear is one of the monsters that grips us, and if we do not fight back, we will never let go. Yes, there are many reasons to be afraid, but there are also reasons to face these fears and fight back.

This is what one of George Bernard Shaw’s quotes reminds us of:

This means that if we do not fight fear, it will feed us and make us see the world as a dangerous place.

The two tragedies in life

Sometimes we think that the great tragedy in life is that we do not get what we want. However, there are many situations where we discover that this is not always the case. Our desires are not always reasonable, and reaching them will not always make us happier either.

This is what one of George Bernard Shaw’s quotes tells us:

When we achieve what we want, we are often faced with the great void that nothing can fill.

George Bernard Shaw was without a doubt one of the most interesting writers in modern history. All his quotes help us reflect on life and the world. His sharp mind represents the best of universal thinking.

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