The Hidden Causes Of Laziness You Should Know About

Many people think that laziness is something you choose. However, it can be a symptom of other underlying ailments and disorders.
The hidden causes of laziness you should know about

Is laziness a personality trait, or are there other reasons behind it? Many people do not know that depression, fear or stress are some of the hidden causes of laziness. It can even be a symptom of the pressure created by society’s obsession with success and achievement. Laziness is without a doubt a behavior with psychological determinants that you should learn about.

A quick google search will show you tons of articles about laziness. Almost all of them will focus on the same thing: How important it is to overcome your laziness.

These articles are full of strategies to combat laziness. They talk about getting rid of it as if it were an old sweater or an itchy crust. What these articles do not do is invite you to understand the true causes of laziness. They make no attempt to determine what is happening below the surface.

On the other hand, there are experts in the field who invite us to better understand laziness. Nando Pelusi, an evolutionary psychologist and rational-emotional therapist, explains something very interesting about the subject. As a species, we tend to try to save energy. In other words, laziness is something we inherited from our ancestors.

When resources were scarce or uncertain, it was important to save energy. After all, early humans did not know when they would need it. So, maybe laziness takes over when you perceive some kind of insecurity in your life. It’s your instinctive way to take a moment for introspection, so you can save energy.

Dr. Pelusi also says that the ability to react, fight and find solutions to problems in unknown territory is in our genes. Thus, laziness often has a legitimate reason and purpose. In that sense, understanding it and knowing what is behind it can make life easier in so many ways.

A guy experiences depression, one of the hidden causes of laziness

The hidden causes of laziness

Weakness is not the only thing that causes laziness. There is also no idleness, delay or procrastination. Sometimes we mix these terms. We know that laziness and procrastination have one thing in common: low motivation. However , procrastinators intend to eventually complete tasks.

A lazy person, on the other hand, does not always have the strength to achieve his goals. In this type of example, it is very important to know what is happening behind the laziness. Let’s take a look at the most common hidden causes of laziness.

Laziness that masks fear

Laziness is like a soft and comfortable bed where you can escape from reality. Sometimes you turn to laziness when you feel particularly scared in your daily life. You may be afraid of not meeting your goals, failing or not being what others want you to be. On the other hand, you may feel anxious about having to face things that are beyond your control.

All that fear becomes overwhelming. So you decide to postpone everything until tomorrow. Or even better, to when you are more motivated. But tomorrow will never come because fear takes over.

A lazy woman suffering from depression

Laziness as a symptom of depression

Depression is not always easy to detect. In most cases, it hides behind fatigue and apathy. The black hole in the depression devours everything that is positive.

Studies published in the journal  Clinical Neuroscience reveal just this. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that laziness is a recurring symptom in most depressed patients. That is why it is so important to be aware of people who behave lazily and unmotivated. This is especially true if they show signs of other psychological problems such as desperation, negativity and fatalistic thoughts.

Biological causes

One of the hidden causes of laziness may be certain medical conditions. If you are often tired, overwhelmed, exhausted and unmotivated, you should have diagnostic tests performed. You may have some kind of thyroid disorder. Thyroid problems can cause diabetes, anemia, sleep apnea, heart disease, or even fibromyalgia.

A hidden cause of laziness is a lack of real meaning

Goals are important to give your life meaning. If you have no goals, you will not be motivated to do anything. Maybe you have been disappointed by some experiences or things are just too complex or difficult. You find it difficult to dream and to plan. You turn to laziness because it is a safe and quiet refuge. There you can just be at peace.

We have all been in that state at one time or another. In addition, teenagers often feel this way. It manifests itself as isolation, the classic “lazy” teenager locked inside his room all day. This is quite common and it will end the moment you find the meaning.

The Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at University College London published a study in The Lancet on this topic. They found that well-being and happiness are inherently linked to having purpose and meaning in your life.

So, if you feel that your life lacks meaning and that makes you lazy, it’s time to find something that motivates you. Find out what gives you hope.

A tree on an island at sunset

In conclusion, maybe now is a good time to end the stigma of laziness. There will always be people who are just lazy and inactive of their choice. However, it is important to recognize that laziness is often accompanied by unpleasant apathy and anxiety.

So it is important to learn what happens below the surface to discover the hidden causes of laziness. Dig a little deeper, take a closer look, and try to understand. Do not postpone it until tomorrow. After all, if there is one thing we know about laziness, it is that the longer you wait to confront it, the worse it gets.

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