If They Have Stopped Caring, Give Up

If they have stopped caring, give up

Let go of all the situations that generate discomfort in you. Let go of people you have stopped meaning to. Giving up is difficult. It is a very important step where we feel insecure and full of doubt. But there are moments when we are left with no other choice if we want to stop suffering.

It is difficult for us to let go of people who have been important to us. They no longer look in our direction, their goals in life have ceased to coincide with our goals. What are they bringing to the table now? Staying attached to them will make us suffer and stop us from moving forward. The smartest solution is to give up.

Give up, out of respect for yourself

How many times have we mentioned the beautiful metaphor of the train? The train that we are the main characters on. Where some people come on board and stay on board, while others are on board only for a while. Some will just receive a simple greeting from us. On the other hand, others will join the journey, and we will establish a much deeper relationship with them.

What happens to these people who become important to us? We want to keep them on our train, prevent them from getting off. But we can not force anyone to follow us to the end. Many of these people will walk away and this will hurt first. But over time, you will understand that you must learn to let go, because no one belongs to you.

Holding on to a situation that is not going anywhere is going to cause pain. You give your whole self to relationships that have no end. We have always been told that you must give without expecting anything in return. The problem is that when this happens constantly, we risk harming ourselves. We crash again and again in the same wall.

Giving up on someone is an act of selfishness. You need to give yourself a chance to let the wounds of the failed relationship heal and make scars. This is the only way you can meet new people and discover that there are people out there who voluntarily offer you a hand through life.

I do not know if I stopped meaning, if he sees me the same way

Sometimes someone’s feelings can change, but they do not leave us. This often happens in relationships where love has been reduced to care, but they remain together despite this fact. Sometimes it’s because they do not dare to look up. They have “become accustomed” to being together. Other times it’s because they think it’s not the other person’s fault that they do not love them anymore.

The problem with this situation is that both people end up suffering. One of them will feel empty because their partner does not meet their needs. The other will feel bound because they are with someone they no longer have feelings for. Thus, it is not uncommon for signs of care to be replaced by feelings of frustration. The following signs indicate that everything is over:

  • They no longer care about your needs, especially from a loving point of view. The display of emotions has been abandoned. Then, you begin to feel alone and abandoned.
  • They ignore your ideas and opinions,  and they begin to make decisions on their own. Most of the time, they act in accordance with their own needs.
  • You are the one who keeps the relationship above water. You give everything. If at some point you stop giving and you know you will not receive anything in return, the relationship will have come to an end.
  • They have begun to humiliate you, criticize you. The other person begins to distance themselves from you for no apparent reason. Suddenly, the person who was your source of happiness has become your executioner.

For some reason, you are no longer a priority for that special person, and it hurts. The right thing to do is for them to be honest with you so that you do not have to notice these characters who are not nice. Remember that giving up is a voluntary act. You really do not want to do that, but you have to make this decision in order not to continue to suffer in the relationship.

Throughout your life, you will face these situations by giving up on partners, friends and even family members. Learning to say goodbye, understanding that saying goodbye will be good for you, is a reality that we can only understand with time and experience.

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