When You Simply Can Not Find The Right Partner

If you do not find a partner that meets your needs, it may be time to settle the status quo. In fact, you might want to ask yourself if there is something stopping you from loving and accepting your partners as they are.
When you simply can not find the right partner

When you simply cannot find the right partner, you should not automatically blame those you have had failed relationships with. In fact, there are many factors that come into play here. In most cases, there is nothing serious and something you can easily overcome.

The first thing you need to know is that everything in life, including romantic love, involves some degree of dissatisfaction. In fact, if you have not found the perfect partner, you are simply one of the majority. The key lies in the word “perfect”, as this rarely corresponds to human reality.

You are not the only person who would like the world to be different. Because everyone longs for the ideal reality where all the pieces fit together and they maintain a perfect balance forever. However, this is an impossible wish. For this reason, if you ask yourself why you can not find the perfect partner…. read on. You may find some of the answers here.

An unhappy couple, maybe they are not with the right partner.

Idealization of love

If you do not find a partner who satisfies you, you may need to change your ideas. Because you can have such an idealistic view of love, you will never find someone who meets your expectations. In fact, idealizing romantic love always involves completely unrealistic expectations.

Every relationship, just like every job, friend and family member, sometimes fails to meet expectations and can result in difficult situations. In the same way, however, you are not perfect either, even though you may think you are.

In all kinds of situations, it is important not that there is nothing negative, but that the positive outweighs it. In this way you achieve a healthy balance.

Chronic dissatisfaction

Chronic dissatisfaction is a widespread trait in today’s world. Everyone is encouraged to want more, to have more and to be more, rather than just being happy as they are with what they have. Sometimes this can be good, as it encourages personal growth.

However, dissatisfaction with everything can be a force that stops you. It comes from a feeling of insecurity or lack of self-worth (self-esteem). So without realizing it, you project your dissatisfaction on your partner. Therefore, their relationship can not go on.

If you are depressed, you will never find the partner who can satisfy you

Depression has many faces. It does not always present itself as sadness, lack of interest and low energy. In fact, if you do not find a partner who can satisfy you, it may be because your mood does not allow you to appreciate the positive qualities of others.

In fact, a depressed person is really limited when it comes to love. Furthermore, if it is a hidden form of depression, it manifests itself in the feeling that it is impossible to feel any real interest in anything, not just people. On the other hand, it is the “smiling depression” where people have strong ambition and a lot of energy, but find it very difficult to enjoy life.

Do not want to grow

If you do not find a partner who satisfies you, you will basically not really continue to grow. Teenagers often feel this way. Because they think of themselves as both independent adults and lost children. In fact, if they do not succeed in completing this phase of life, it often returns later in the form of unrealistic and impossible expectations of love and romantic partners.

In such cases, for example, the person can expect to be offered an unconditional love. What they really want is to be taken care of in the same way that their mother or father used to do. It is the only kind of love that will satisfy them. Since the partner cannot offer this, they are discarded as not the right person. This pattern of behavior then repeats itself over and over again with other potential partners.

External pressure

Some environments make demands that no one can meet. Such environments form models or ideals for partners and wait for them to emerge. This often happens in families. However, it can also occur at work, in ethnic groups, social classes, etc. Under these conditions, no partner is ever good enough because they do not conform to the extreme ideal. In fact, in these cases it is not a partner that is required, but a “profile” that fits the established criteria.

Finally, if you do not find the right partner, just stop for a moment and ask yourself what is happening. This is because you can deprive yourself of some very valuable experiences thanks to your unrealistic fantasies. Furthermore, you may be unknowingly trapped by your own personal limitations.

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