Talking About Our Feelings With Others Is Therapeutic

Talking about our feelings with others is therapeutic

We tend to hide our feelings when we are with other people. We are ashamed to admit that we feel emotions that we see as negative and mistakenly believe that we will look like weak people in the eyes of others. Talking about our feelings is not something we do, because we want to be emotionally strong. We do not want to be affected by things. Most of the time we want to paint a picture of a “mature and rational person”.

The truth is that practicing rational thinking and trying to be a little more mature every day is wonderful. First and foremost for ourselves, since with practice we will be able to solve many unnecessary problems. It is also true that our relationships with others tend to improve if we do not exaggerate things and know how to handle our emotions properly. Functioning in a functional and sensible way also affects our environment.

However, this does not mean that we stop being human. Throughout our lives we will inevitably feel down, anxious or angry more than we want. Therefore, since it is natural, it is best to treat it as normal, not hide it, and accept ourselves. Of course, always in moderation: Although talking about our feelings with others is therapeutic, exaggerating can work against its purpose.

Why is it good for us to talk about our feelings?

Whether they are negative or positive emotions, it is always good to talk about our emotions. Positive emotions because talking about them enhances them and celebrating them sharing them is great. Who would hesitate to share good news and happiness with people?

We also have reasons to share negative feelings. The most important thing is that by putting them on the table, we stop running away from them, and will probably take responsibility for dealing with them. We reveal the emotions, which is likely to reduce them. By talking about our feelings, we can make them visible to hear other views, often less strict than our own.

Talking about our feelings is healthy.

When should we talk about our feelings with others?

Every time you feel something that weighs you down and does not make you think clearly, something that does not allow you to act effectively, it is a good idea to share it. It could be with your best friend, your parents or a psychologist. In any case, it is best not to keep it to yourself.

For example, say your partner is doing something you do not like. Instead of keeping your mouth shut and exploding inside, wouldn’t it be better to tell them how you feel? If you do not, it will overflow, and your way of expressing how you feel will not be very successful.

Two people are discussing or arguing about something.

Always start by taking responsibility for your emotions . For this you can start with: “I feel…” followed by your reasons and always end it with a good relationship with the other person and accept their point of view.

We can also share what happened to us with people who have nothing to do with the problem, as a friend. They will give us their point of view and help us find solutions. Just do not fall into the trap of criticizing other people because then you will have the opposite effect: your negativity will only grow.

It is very unlikely that you will be rejected by others for having negative feelings, because people tend to be empathetic. But if it does, it’s not your problem, and it does not say anything about you at all. Remember that talking about your feelings and problems not only benefits you, but also those around you, as they will feel trusted and closer to you.

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