You Are Responsible For Yourself And That Makes You Free

You are responsible for yourself and your actions and decisions at all times. As a result, it makes you a free living being who is able to do whatever you plan.
You are responsible for yourself and that sets you free

You are responsible for yourself. You must realize the consequences of your actions and decisions in every moment. Only your own mind and heart can tell you what to do or not to do. Thus, you are a free individual who is able to build your own destiny.

Viktor Frankl said that freedom is not conceivable without a sense of responsibility. While this is quite obvious, it is something many people do not take into account. Many consider themselves mature and with the capacity to achieve the goals they set for themselves.

However, some continue to blame others for bad experiences, mistakes and suffering. Believe it or not, sometimes unhappiness is the result of this. For example, some people may say that their insecurities and fears are due to their authoritarian upbringing. Yet they do not seem to understand that they have to face the things they think are preventing them from growing instead of just seeing them as obstacles to moving forward.

Everyone has blamed others for things they were responsible for at least once. As psychotherapist Albert Ellis said: ” The best years of your life are those where you decide that your problems are your own.” Again, you are responsible for yourself, and realizing this will allow you to take control of your own destiny.

Realizing that you are responsible for yourself provides the opportunity for change

Responsibility is a very valuable psychological skill. Those who use it on a daily basis tend to feel safer and committed to their own lives. Mentioned individuals work hard to realize their mistakes and improve them and consider any defeat as an opportunity to learn and move forward with their personal growth.

Furthermore, many individuals assume that they possess this virtue thanks to their education or their own personality. However, many simply do not know how to practice this in some aspects of life. This is something that is incredibly important to work on during therapy.

Still, it’s quite complicated. It can be difficult to get the patient to see that they are the most important person in their life.

“How can I do that?” they might ask. “My boss demands so much of me, my father-in-law stresses me out, my friends are narcissistic, and my teenage son does nothing but ask me for money.” As you can see from this example, it is sometimes easier to focus on everything externally and project guilt and misfortune on others.

Man at sunset.

What can you do to deal with all these conflicts?

You are responsible for yourself and for what happens to you

The word responsibility comes from the Latin responsum and means “to answer something or someone”. Also from a psychological point of view, this competence is linked to commitment.

Therefore, being responsible for yourself means learning to make decisions that allow you to achieve well-being and personal fulfillment. In addition, it means understanding the consequences of your actions and learning to react to what is happening around you without blaming others.

Also, do not wait for others to solve your problems. Therefore, an important purpose of psychological therapy is to get the patient to commit to change, take responsibility for themselves and learn to act without fear. Although it is a complex process, working hard to achieve it provides an incredible sense of freedom.

Personal responsibility allows you to create the life you want

Abraham Maslow stated that the sense of responsibility was an essential dimension in the pyramid of human needs. In fact, he states that if you develop a good personal responsibility, you will be able to meet your goals and in turn achieve self-realization (the top where you feel good about who you are, with the environment and what you have achieved).

Responsible for yourself.

To get to the top, it is important to keep in mind certain aspects:

  • You are free to live the life you want. But to achieve this, you need to focus all your resources, energy and hope on yourself. No one is obligated to help you do anything. The responsibility is yours alone.
  • Set daily goals and work to reach them. Every day you have to prove to yourself that you are able to work for your well-being and for those you love.
  • If something bothers you and you can not stop thinking about it, find a solution. Do it as soon as possible. Do not let time pass or expect others to do it for you.
  • Be honest with yourself and others in every moment and circumstance.
  • Accept your mistakes and learn from them.
  • Commit every day to improving yourself and being more autonomous. Be brave in meeting what you fear, confident in defending yourself, humble in being able to learn from others and have respect for yourself and those around you. Although they sometimes do not behave the way you want them to.

In short, understanding that you are responsible for yourself is important and requires commitment. When you do, however, you will feel free!

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