Honesty Is A Lifestyle And The Choice Is Yours

Honesty is a way of life. If you want to be honest with others, you must first be honest with yourself. If you have a clear idea of ​​what you want and what you do not want, you will be able to avoid emotionally charged situations.
Honesty is a lifestyle and the choice is yours

Being honest saves time and keeps the relationship healthy. If you are honest with yourself about your boundaries and what you think is right, it is much easier to get along with people and avoid unpleasant situations. However, being honest with yourself and others is not always easy. Honesty is a lifestyle and it requires a significant commitment.

According to Confucius, a sincere person is one who always tells the truth and is already on his way to heaven. Although it’s a nice feeling, most of us tell little white lies because we’re afraid of being rejected or scrutinized.

There are many situations where you may feel compelled to tell a half-truth. Even if your intentions are good, white lies can lead to negative situations. Being honest (without sharing too much) should be your standard mechanism, a way to build a healthier life for yourself and those around you.

A conversation.

Be honest with yourself

Transparent communication, free from facades, lies, fear and condescension gives harmony in your life. Some brag about how respectful and honest they are when in fact they are hypocritical experts. Emotions, behaviors, and ideas are false.

The world is full of people on a crooked path. They think one thing and say another and act directly opposite to their worldview. Living this way, without being in sync with your thoughts and desires, can make you sick in the long run.

A study by Dr. Stephen Rosenbaum at the University of Southern Denmark makes it clear that honesty must be a societal norm. Sincerity and openness make things easier and help you be successful at work and be emotionally balanced. It is the foundation of well-being and the relationship with the people around you.

As with so many things, it’s easier said than done to live an honest life. Here are some strategies to help you get on the right track.

Start by being honest with yourself

It’s hard to ignore the little voice in your head that amplifies your fear. “If you tell your boss, they’ll get mad at you” or “Don’t tell your friend how you feel because they just want to reject you.” These defense mechanisms build barricades that prevent you from saying and doing what you want. Not only do they make it impossible to be sincere, but they also get in the way of your personal growth.

Being honest with yourself requires an authentic and courageous inner dialogue. You need to be able to ask yourself what you want and you need to provide real answers. Only then will you be able to practice honesty with others.

Choosing honesty as a lifestyle.

Dishonesty is a lifestyle that leads to unhappiness

As we said above, you save valuable time and energy by being honest. It helps you avoid investing time and effort in people and activities that do not coincide with your values. When people are authentic with each other, trust comes easily. There is nothing better than getting advice from someone who speaks from the heart without external motives.

Half-truths and white lies, on the other hand, soon lead to more lies and deceptions. They build on each other like a house of cards, and it can all collapse at any moment. An enormous psychological effort is required to maintain these facades. Using that energy is not useful, logical or healthy.

Honesty is a lifestyle that is brave and healthy

Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, two psychologists who specialize in child education, wrote in their book NurtureShock : New Thinking About Children (2011) that children lie to their parents much more often than we think. They do it to make their parents happy and to live up to expectations. Children think that if they tell their parents how they really feel, they will disappoint them.

Maybe that’s why people start lying in the first place. We are afraid of disappointing other people and not being who they think we are. We do not want to lose relationships or create distance between us and the people we love. Although it is very easy to understand, it does not change the truth: Not being sincere betrays who you are.

Being really honest can be shocking or surprising, but it’s worth it. In the long run, you will create a healthier, happier and more meaningful life for yourself and those around you. Honesty is a lifestyle that will lead to many positive things. What are you waiting for?

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