In Time All Things Fall Into Place

We are all free from our actions once we have taken them, but we are not free from the consequences that follow. The gestures, words and actions we perform always have an impact on something, and even though we may not believe it, time is a very wise judge. Even if it does not give an immediate verdict, it seems that it always gives people what they deserve when the time is right.

The famous and popular psychologist and researcher  Howard Gardner, for example, surprised the world by saying that a bad person can never be fantastic as a professional. He insists that the person who is governed by his own interests will never achieve excellence. This reality tends to be reflected in the mirror of time.

It is important to remember that even the  small things like a derogatory tone or an excessive use of jokes and sarcasm can have serious consequences  in the emotional and personal world of those who receive this. Not being fit to take responsibility for these actions shows a lack of maturity, which sooner or later will have its consequences.

woman rides bird

Time is a certain judge

Here is an example:  imagine a parent raising their children with austerity and lack of affection. We know that this way of being a parent will have consequences, but the worst part is that the parent hopes that these actions will lead to the upbringing of strong people who will act in certain ways. However, this is often not the case. Their children will probably grow up with something completely different than what was intended: a lot of misfortune, fear and a low self-esteem.

As time goes on, these children become adults, giving their parents the judgment they deserve: They will either avoid or distance themselves from the parent,  and why they do so, the parent may never understand. This is because people who cause pain to others often do not feel responsible for their actions. They lack emotional closeness, and they like to place blame on others than themselves  (my children are ungrateful, or: my children do not love me).

It is important to remember that every action, whether small or large, has consequences, and you have to take full responsibility for them. Being responsible is not the same as taking responsibility for your actions: it also involves understanding that you have an obligation to respond to the actions of others. Human maturation begins when you take responsibility for every word you say, and every action you perform, and for every thought you have, so that you can make the world a better place both for yourself and for everyone around you.

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Taking responsibility requires courage

Loneliness  is just one of the consequences that can result from past bad decisions. This is a great way to discover that  we are all connected through a very fine thread,  where a break can cause a knot to begin to take shape, and that all the bands in the thread are broken.

Remember that we all have our own experiences in this life, and that  one way to make both your and other people’s lives better is by taking personal responsibility. We invite you to put this heroic act into practice by following these very simple principles:

woman and horse in bat

This is how you can take responsibility

The first step towards taking full responsibility is to stop fooling yourself and blame most of what is happening on the outside world based on your own needs. And to do that, take a closer look at  these following points that work for both children and adults. Through these points, you can teach your children that their actions have consequences. 

  • Pay attention to what you think, what you say and what you do not say. Pay attention to what you do. You create your own language that influences others by influencing their emotions. You must have the ability to perceive what the other person is feeling, and you must have empathy for them. 
  • Anticipate the consequences of your own actions, and be your own judge. This does not mean that you should fall into a form of “self-control” where you become your own executioner before you have time to say or do anything. Just try to  anticipate the impact the particular action may have on other people and yourself as a consequence.
  • Being responsible means understanding that you are not “immune” to anything. People who do not set boundaries for their actions, desires or needs, will sooner or later discover that everything has consequences. The saying “my freedom ends when yours begins”  makes sense from this idea. However, you should also promote the freedom and growth of other people so that you can carry the circle of mutual benefits

It is definitely worth a try.

woman and sea

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