Being Like Bamboo: Patient, Strong And Flexible

Being like bamboo means working with your inner being, investing in resilience and not being afraid to “bend” once in a while. Eventually you return to your former self, stronger than ever.
Being like bamboo: Patient, strong and flexible

Being like bamboo means getting closer to the ancient wisdom of nature itself. It is to understand that taking care of your soul requires time and patience. In addition, knowing that it does not matter how strong the wind is or how tough the storm is because you have already learned to be flexible and, above all, resilient does not matter.

Bamboo is one of the most amazing plants out there. It’s simply mysterious. There are about 1500 different species of bamboo, and some of them can grow up to 40 meters high. There is also a bamboo species where the flowers only bloom every 120 years.

This wonderful plant releases a lot of oxygen into the atmosphere and absorbs more carbon dioxide than other plants.

The plant’s resistance has made it an inspiring reference for many philosophical, spiritual and psychological practices. Some claim that there is a secret code in bamboo plants, a unique formula that nature gave it that makes it both beautiful and resistant.

In China, for example, this plant is one of the four noble truths. These plants are the most symbolic of them: the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo and the chrysanthemum. Each of these plants represents a season. Bamboo is the strong, fresh and beautiful summer.


Being like bamboo: The key to happiness

Nature is often our best inspiration. If the Egyptians built much of their cosmology by observing the stars and their movements and changes, it may be time to start looking at nature from a different perspective in order to find true happiness.

Being like bamboo is about imitating it  to develop two important things that will help us overcome difficulties: resistance and flexibility.

Time and patience

We must admit that society seems allergic to patience. We have become accustomed to immediate outages and instant notifications on our mobile phones.

In addition, we have become accustomed to going to the doctor to ask for antibiotics for colds. We want to thrive as soon as possible. We want quick solutions. But do not forget that the body only needs time to heal sometimes.

Being like bamboo means investing in patience. It means reminding yourself that it takes seven years for bamboo to grow. During that time it works with its “inner being”. It improves its roots, absorbs nutrients and prepares itself. As soon as it comes out of the earth and sees the light, nothing can get in the way. Bamboo is unstoppable and amazing and can grow up to 1 meter in a day.


Everyone has the right to reach the top

People often say that we set our own boundaries. It is clear that  it is not possible to achieve specific goals in many cases. Our society has barriers and filters that restrict and limit our dreams.

Being like bamboo means remembering that we have the right to reach the top. It can be enemies around us or events that hinder our professional success. However, we must keep in mind that there are many good opportunities waiting for us.


Flexible and resilient through tough times

Bamboo can grow with many other plants of its kind or alone. It can find a home in different regions of the world. In addition, it can form dense forests. However, bamboo never ceases to be resilient and flexible.

  • It can withstand large earthquakes. In fact , it does not matter if the stems are cut because bamboo regenerates, heals and grows again, even stronger and more unstoppable than before.
  • It spends seven years growing underground and lengthening its roots. This is what makes it so strong and solid.

Being like bamboo means having a resilient attitude in life. This means that you have to accept that adversity can cause you to bend sometimes. But if you are strong, you will return to your former self, happier and more beautiful than before.

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