The Art Of Feeling Good About Yourself Is Invaluable

The art of feeling good about yourself is invaluable

Having a good time with yourself is invaluable. That kind of psychological craft requires two things: to deal with the past and not be obsessed with the future. Above all, having a good time means learning to think in the right way. It means focusing on the present to create inner peace.

We are sure you agree with these statements. But why is it so difficult for us to find the inner balance to enjoy ourselves and the things we have? There is always something missing, something that gnaws at you and prevents you from feeling a prolonged feeling of well-being. The kind of well-being that never expires and remains strong, no matter how big the storm is.

The world of psychology has always made an effort to make this easier for us. But it used to be much more complicated. For a long time, psychological theories and strategies simply tried to understand only the most neurotic aspects of humans. It was not until the late ’70s that people like Martin Seligman and Aaron T. Beck began to change things.

Martin Seligman, known to people for his studies on depression and learned helplessness, believed that psychology needed to start moving in a new direction: happiness. And Aaron T. Beck, a pioneer in cognitive therapy, showed us something important . To feel good about yourself, you must have a kind of positive filter when you look at the world… and into yourself.

Man looking at beautiful view

Approval, the key to personal well-being

In his textbook “Enchiridion”, Epictetus says that we all try hard to bend the world to our own desires. Trying to do this is almost childish, and can cause a lot of frustration because it is impossible. The most significant Stoic philosopher of his time said that we should only want things based on the way they really are.

So the art of feeling good about yourself is also the art of acceptance. But remember that acceptance does not mean the same as passivity or resignation. The trick is actually easier than it seems. It only requires that you put the effort into a few goals:

  • Accept the negative side of things the moment they happen, so that you take control and create change. For example, you need to be able to quickly detect your limiting, negative thoughts before they can completely take over your thoughts and your ability to focus.
  • Accept who you are, accept your past and your present history. Accept the person you see every day in the mirror, with all its strengths and weaknesses. Try to value yourself without waiting for others to do it for you.

Having a good time with yourself means knowing how to practice some form of acceptance for active control over your thoughts. Maybe the things around you and even the people in your most intimate circles do not always act the way you want them to. But none of that should make you feel desperate. If you are calm inside, if you feel self-love and balance, no cloud can cover the sun in you.

Feeling good about yourself, the art of personal appreciation

Personal appreciation is as useful as it is unknown. You will learn that when you realize that you have neglected yourself, you feel like a pawn on a chessboard. As one without much value to begin with, one that no one thinks of. You want to be the “queen”, but you must remember your value at that time. And what role you play in the game of life.

You can achieve all this through an intelligent form of personal appreciation. It’s feeling like you’re really there for everything you do, and feeling happy with every action you take. Now is the time to learn to value yourself through your usual habits.

Let’s look at some examples.

  • Having a good time with yourself means that you are selective with the people you bring into your life, the people who will be a part of your life.
  • Feeling good about yourself also means that you feel self-sufficient. That you value yourself for your good choices and small, daily achievements.
  • It also means being consistent with the things you say and do, the things you want, and the things you set out to do.
Man in wheels

There is another important thing you can not forget. Having a good time with who you are and what you have goes hand in hand with feeling comfortable. This is because the feeling of freedom and lightness you see in some other people comes from the fact that they do not have weight on their shoulders.

There is no feeling that is more satisfying than that. It is the feeling of knowing that you are not bound to yesterday or chained by other people. People who want to slow you down and stop you from growing. So do not forget the art of feeling good about yourself . It is a practice that requires willpower and determination from you, but you can do it.

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