Conversation Groups For Men And Its Many Benefits

Vulnerability was looked down upon when it came to rigid and conventional masculinity. Thanks to discussion groups for men, many dare for the first time to talk about feelings, fears and needs; Therefore, there are great therapeutic benefits.
Conversation groups for men and its many benefits

Conversation groups for men are a practice with great psychological benefits. In ancient times it was common with discussion groups for men and now there are finally some who have brought back this fine tradition and adapted it to our time. Before, it was common to gather around the campfire to share stories, solve problems, get advice and express their fears. Today, many men experience the dynamics of these gatherings as a safe place where they can listen to others and even be heard for the first time.

It is not uncommon for some people to find it strange or unusual for a group of strangers to meet in a room or place in the woods to receive support and help to express frustration and doubt. This is especially common among men as it is still rare to see men share deep, emotional aspects of their lives with other people. And especially not people they do not know.

We live in societies where masculinity has fulfilled a very rigid and hegemonic model for decades. The construction of the masculine identity has been as a form that everyone had to adapt and follow without question. Because its character has been so rigid, there has been no room for doubt, emotion or vulnerability.

Michael Kimmel is the founder behind, and director of, the Center for the Study of Man and Masculinities at Stony Brook University in New York. Fortunately, this ideal of masculinity is finally changing. Today we can talk about more than one type of masculinity. We can now talk about a number of forms of identities, expressions and needs.

Man looking out over a sea at sunset.

Conversation groups for men. What are they and what are they for?

Every year, the NIE (National Institute of Statistics) comes up with new data on suicide. Information that always makes us reflect on this sad topic. One of the points that leads to reflection is this: The proportion of men who commit suicide is three times higher than the proportion of women. In Spain, it turned out that 75% of all people who commit suicide are men. The same has been shown for other countries. When it comes to gender, it is men who go for the most dramatic ending of them all.

The World Health Organization has issued a report pointing out that they can not find any good reason why it looks like it does. We do not know what the causes are. What we do know is that we lack resources. Experts in the field, such as Dr. Brené Brown, a professor at the University of Houston, have pointed out that men often feel strong pressure as high expectations are placed on them.

Being a man has always been synonymous with being strong, dominant, successful and having the ability for strict self-discipline. But in a reality marked by unemployment, lack of future prospects and identity politics, the inability to deal with defeat leads to an experience that the world has become incomprehensible. In the vast majority of cases, men are exposed to gender roles that leave them isolated. As a result, they are exposed to a reality where there is no emotional honesty and where vulnerability is transformed into anger. This often leads to mental health problems.

Small stone statues of men stand in a ring with their arms around each other

Conversation groups for men: A place where you can make contact

Conversation groups for men today appear to be the best way to transform and almost the whole concept of masculinity. This is a place where men of different ages and social backgrounds can get together. One thing that is worth commenting on is that none of them have met each other before. What many of us are familiar with is the fact that talking to a stranger can make it easier to communicate and talk about things that we would not have shared with either family or friends. In short, it has given them a safe place where they can express themselves.

In today’s society, we point out and pursue certain forms of expression and behavior. Men are not exempt from the experience of being attacked in this way. But since they are, in most cases, brought up to be strong and hide their feelings, these feelings can become a burden. Therefore, these conversation groups are a safe place where they can open up, be honest and get recognition and support from other men.

What is the purpose of these meetings?

The purpose of these discussion groups is both positive and challenging. The goal is to support the men and help them feel strong, mature and give them understanding and help to both heal their own injuries, but also to help others. It is definitely an important form of commitment in the area of ​​personal development.

The benefits and dynamics men can find in these conversation groups are the following:

  •  To be heard by other men with respect and empathy, without any kind of condemnation.
  • Learn to express and communicate their feelings, fears and difficult experiences.
  • To work with one’s own identity.
  • Learn to ask for help and advice
  • To create a supportive community
  • Learn to listen to others with compassion and empathy
  • To dare to prove vulnerable
  • Develop better self-esteem
  • To make important goals and dreams clear to oneself.
  • Develop a stable commitment to yourself and others. To feel responsible, respectful and sufficient with one’s own feelings and needs.
  • To update various aspects related to masculinity
Two men stretch their hands towards each other in a grain field

Where can you find these discussion groups?

These conversation groups are becoming more and more popular as time goes on. The countries where these groups are most popular are the United Kingdom, Australia, Spain and the Nordic countries. In the United States, there is a long tradition related to this form of discussion groups. For example, the voluntary organization ManKind Project has worked with support and personal development in men for over 30 years. And they have followers all over the world.

Finally, we just want to say that any man who wants to get in touch with or take part in this form of discussion groups should not go and doubt. We recommend that you contact any center or institution that specializes in this type of support group. Sometimes big changes come as a result of making a small decision.

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