5 Attributes Of Calm Mind – Start Practicing Today

A calm mind sees the world with more clarity and a broader perspective. It is possible to put anxious or irrational thoughts aside to make better decisions. Find out how in this article.
5 Attributes of Calm Minds - Start Practicing Today

Calm minds are not only focused but also disciplined. There is no doubt that the time we live in now values ​​multitasking and getting things done immediately. That is why it is now considered a privilege to be able to reach and cultivate an inner balance where thoughts, emotions and behavior come together in complete harmony and stay focused on what is actually important.

Shiba Yoshimasa, a 14th-century Japanese general, said that the most important qualities a warrior or samurai must have were calm minds. These types of ideas can be very inspiring. But, if there is one thing we all know, it is that training our mind is not easy; especially in a discipline where emotional regulation, the ability to reflect and inner peace are so important.

As of today, there are many books on the market that offer advice and guidance to train your attention. In addition, there are other practices, such as mindfulness, that present meditation as an ideal strategy for working with a nervous mind.

These strategies can undoubtedly help some people. Still, it will not be something that absolutely everyone can make work. This is because it is incredibly difficult to change our thought patterns. It is not easy to put brakes on a mind that usually flows faster than a river in the spring.

Thus, we know that it can take time to find a strategy that will fit with and complement your characteristics and needs. However, trying different things can be helpful in achieving a more relaxed mind. This will further make it possible for you to focus on your well-being.

Calm mind is like a clear mind

Within Buddhist philosophy, there is a very interesting concept called themonkey mind “. This term refers to the restless, unmanageable and even annoying flow of thoughts that jump from branch to branch in the forest that are our thoughts. A mind that is lost in its own worries, that clings to the ego and that cannot see what really matters.

One strategy that can be used to deal with a monkey mind, and create a calmer mind, is to get them down from the forest of thoughts for solid reason. Only by having your feet firmly planted on the ground do you gain more control and a broader perspective. It is at that moment that the individual achieves balance and inner security. Creativity, reflection and self-control must come together to be able to make better decisions in life.

That said, let’s analyze some attributes that define calm minds to understand why it’s so important to work with them.

Calm minds have more clarity and a broader perspective.

1. Calm mind, less anxiety

The head of psychiatry at the University of Washington, Dr. Peter Roy-Byrne, pointed out something important. Anxiety disorders are more common than depression, and just as devastating.

Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, tension and often fear that something terrible will happen. This feeling can come and go in a person’s everyday life. However, it is possible to keep this enemy in check by practicing mindfulness.

A sense of calm will slowly but surely develop when you are able to focus on what is important, at all times. Let negative thoughts and emotions stay on the sidelines, and calm intrusive thoughts.

2. Keep what is happening around you, and yourself, separate

Monkey minds or anxious minds have a somewhat strange ability. Everything that happens around them has an effect or affects them in an intense and inevitable way. No matter how insignificant an event is, something will always end up getting worse. This will further result in more anxiety.

Calm minds, on the other hand, have an exceptional attribute. They can keep a certain distance between themselves and what is happening around them. It acts as a protective filter. By observing what is around them with more calm, they can better cope with unexpected situations and are better able to control the effect they have on them.

3. Inner peace and emotional control

A focused and relaxed mind has not always been like that. This type of mind must first learn to deal with emotions. Instead of ignoring anxiety, fear, or turning away from various worries, a calm person knows how to deal effectively with these inner demons. People with calm minds have learned and understood that fear and anxiety are a part of life. The most important thing is that they know how to keep their emotions under control.

Calm minds have an ability to control their emotions.

4. They stay calm, and keep their spirits up before a challenge

When our inner being does not seem to be able to get out of a stressful and anxious situation, we do not act as a response, we react. It is as if we are a blade being blown around by the wind: the blade has no control over the movements, and ends up being blown both here and there. One of the many benefits of a calm mind is that this will not happen.

Calm minds are full of reflection. They do not act on instinct. Instead, they look at the world with a broad perspective and stay proactive. They are rarely caught by the wind, because they see it coming. Bravery is a good feature of this type of mind, as they will not hesitate to face any challenge that comes their way.

5. Calm minds make better decisions

Your nationality, language or culture is not what defines you. What really defines you as a person is the decisions you choose to make. Thus, learning to make decisions with a calm mind is an exceptionally good way to exercise greater control, as well as experience success and success with each of these steps.

Calm minds are like tidy rooms; they have control and perspective. It is a place where intuition meets experience. It is a place where any person can make decisions that will guide them along the path of life with greater success.

To conclude, we will mention something that the psychologist Daniel Kahneman once said. He said that beyond how we feel at a particular moment, it is necessary to always act calmly. Remember that peace does not just come by itself. It is important to practice it, and appreciate it when you achieve it, by taking control of emotions and thoughts at all times. Start practicing today!

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