Now That We Draw The Beginning Of Our Story

Have you started your story?
Now that we are drawing the beginning of our story

Now, as our hands touch each other, almost without wanting to, sparks fly every time we touch each other. Now that we put smiles on each other’s lips and our eyes meet with an endless desire for more. Now that we have a book filled with blank pages .. Now our story begins.

Our voices still sound a little shy, to avoid our words becoming different from what we think. Our feet take gentle steps, to avoid falling into disillusionment and to avoid the sight of the bitter truth again. I know this is the beginning of our history. It is enough to want to be close to each other and spend time together. It is enough to see each other in silence and let our emotions carry us away.

The beginning of a story

You may be thinking of me right now, without even knowing what you want to say to me, or whether you should say anything at all. I know we do not know each other well enough for you to know that I’ve been thinking about you all night long. Fantasies about how you are, I draw you as I imagine you look, think about the things you like, things you do not like, and think that it is a nice beginning. It is something that begins slowly. For fear of failing, since we have failed so many times before.

It’s now that I’m starting to tremble when I know I’ll see you. It’s now when I lower my gaze and blush when you give me compliments. I have checked all the details, just to show myself from my very best side. Now is the beginning of a story. It is the beginning of a memory.

The beginning of our history is the beginning of a memory.

Now that we look at each other so slowly

You and I are two blank pages. An entire book to be written. An empty room to be filled. What we start today will already tomorrow be a part of our past. But it will forever be our beginning. The beginning that we have both created for and with each other, which in a way can only be filled with “now”. It can only be filled with the present moment.

I do not know what will happen tomorrow, but I do not care. I prefer to think about the present, to enjoy this beautiful story we are sharing now. My eyes do not allow me to see beyond what I have in front of me. My hopes, my desires, combat all the fear I may feel. So, why not this time too? Why can’t this beginning be one written without an end? It is my day, my present, and I choose how I want it to be. I choose our story.

We are the ones who decide what our story should look like.

The beginning of our story

With you, everything seems new and surprising. Things shine in a new light and take on a different meaning. The butterflies I feel when you and I are together reveal my feelings. They’re pushing me to get better and start something new, with you. I know it’s never too late to try again, to risk everything to create something new. Therefore, I allow myself to be carried away by this new beginning of our history.

I do not care what may come in the future. We will face it and deal with it. I do not care which road is waiting for us. I want to take a risk to discover all that awaits. This is the beginning of something new, and I want to enjoy it. It’s today I’ve been waiting for. And today I make my day. We make it ours. This is the start I wanted, the blank page where I will write again. The day that we make our day. The words and smiles we give each other. Now is the time. Let’s enjoy our story.

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