Family Relationships Require Empathy And Respect

Family relationships require empathy and respect

Raising children is not easy. It can ruin family relationships if we do not do it the right way. We need lots of patience, love and kindness if we want to raise them to be healthy people. All this while keeping our marriage healthy.

There are other relevant skills in this job, such as knowing how to listen to your children, learn how to put them in place, establish boundaries and create a sense of belonging that will give them security, which is what a family stands for.

All this is also important for adults. Read on to see how to build strong family relationships.

Saying “I love you”, the foundation of family relationships

In a family, everyone has their own needs, qualities and abilities. Therefore, we do not all express  our devotion in the same way.

We do not necessarily need people to say it back to us in the same way, although it is important to communicate it.

family relationships - father and children

Sometimes it is difficult for us to give constructive criticism. Not only in adults, but also in children, and all we do is point out what they have done wrong.

The problem is that something that can go unnoticed by us can have major consequences for the self-esteem of others, especially in children. It is a way to weaken family relationships.

Therefore, it is important to use communication to express what we love about them. How important they are to us and our family. This will fill them with love and improve their self-esteem.

We create strong family relationships with empathy and effort

Empathy is a great ally when there are conflicts in the home. If we try to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes, the argument does not end immediately. But it will help us understand them a little better.

In addition, it will make it easier for us to explain that we understand their opinion, even if we do not share their point of view. This is how we help to reach agreements that everyone can benefit from.

Putting ourselves in other people’s shoes will create another basic aspect by strengthening family relationships more easily: appreciating the efforts of others.

Recognition will serve as reinforcement to enable behaviors that we need for good family relationships. Of course, change takes time.

Housework is good for the family relationship

In the home, each family member has his or her obligations. It is important that these are clearly established and consistent. But, how and when can we make the little ones responsible for tasks at home? We need to remember to think about their age and ask them to do things according to their abilities.

happy family looking at the stars

From the age of one, you can ask them to do simple tasks that will increase their  self-esteem. They can start picking up their toys, helping us carry something from one place to another, or washing something they got dirty.

And telling them how much they help us and how important they are to the family makes them feel good.

Along with housework  , we must also respect the rights in the home. Even when it is difficult, we must respect each other if we want a family relationship that lasts for a long time.

We should not respect the rights of one family member more than others. Finding a balance in this aspect will prevent unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings. And it will also prevent negative emotions that undermine family relationships.

Photos courtesy of Nathaniel Tetteh, Annie Spratt and David Straight.

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