Five Quotes By Niccolò Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli was a famous philosopher. In this article, we share some of his most famous quotes.
Five quotes by Niccolò Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli was an important philosopher that people tend to associate with the Italian Enlightenment. However, he was also a diplomat, politician and author. In this article, we share some of his best quotes.

If you have not read anything about or by Machiavelli, we recommend the book The Prince . It is a dissertation on political doctrine that was published many years after his death. If you like a philosophical twist on politics you will definitely enjoy this book. After all, Machiavelli is considered the father of modern political science.

1. It is difficult to reach goals

This first Machiavelli quote invites you to reflect on the fears that so often get in the way of taking the step to reach your goals. This type of fear can be crippling. As a result , few people actually make their dreams come true.

Machiavelli reminds us that doing great things always involves some risk. He calls it risk-taking. Confronting that danger requires courage and perseverance.

Man watching the waves.

2. Niccolò Machiavelli: The skin can deceive

Machiavelli did an excellent job here of articulating an important idea. You are often unaware that you have a mask to enhance the image of yourself. You behave differently with siblings than you do with your boss. Why do some people think you are shy and reserved when those who know you well say the opposite?

Not being able to get those around you to see you for who you really are can be frustrating. After all, your parents and siblings have known you since you were a baby and have seen you through good and bad times. But what about everyone else? Maybe you feel that people do not see the real you because you are hiding your true self.

3. The best choice is always to shop

The significance behind this quote refers to the fears we mentioned before. This fear controls your life and prevents you from doing what you want most.

You often limit yourself and find excuses for why you can not or should not make certain decisions in your life. But if you look at the challenges from a different perspective, you see that there are no insurmountable barriers. In fact, barriers in your mind can be much more harmful than any physical limitations you may have.

4. Everything in its time

“Yet he must be careful to believe and act, and must not inspire fear of himself, and must continue in a temperate manner with wisdom and humanity, so that too much self-confidence does not make him careless, and too much uncertainty does not make him intolerant.”

Have you ever felt that you went to the extreme? That you blindly trusted someone? That blind trust made it impossible to see that they were trying to manipulate you?

This quote tells us that we should not trust people blindly because this can lead to disappointment, which can lead you to another extremity: Intolerance.

Suspicious woman hugging her partner.

5. Niccolò Machiavelli believed that change can open doors

This latest quote by Niccolò Machiavelli reinforces the importance of change. These days, many of us fear change. Maybe you think that what is familiar and comfortable is better than what awaits de11g along the way.

But change opens doors for good things to happen. Despite all the uncertainty, change is needed. Can you imagine what it would be like to be the same person your whole life?

We hope that these quotes by Niccolò Machiavelli will help you to reflect. If you want to understand him better you should definitely read The Prince.

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