Do You Love Yourself? 5 Characters That Indicate You Are Not Doing It

Do you love yourself?  5 signs that indicate that you do not

Loving yourself is important. Not only to maintain a healthy self-esteem, but when you love yourself, you will also be able to enjoy good relationships with other people.

But if you do not love yourself, you will not only have difficulty connecting with other people, it will also increase the risk of depression.

You can learn to spot signs that indicate that you do not love yourself as much as you should. Doing so can help improve the way you connect with yourself (inner dialogue) and others.

Identifying these signs can also help you find a way out of sadness or disappointment. It can even help you take responsibility when you are in a bad mood.

You ask questions about what other people are saying or doing for you

Here is an indicator of low self-esteem that often lies behind these negative thoughts about yourself. What it means is to question other people’s feelings, words and actions. You do not really believe in what everyone is doing to, saying about or feeling about you.

Woman holding a heart

There is no doubt that we all want to feel loved and understood. But people with low self-esteem tend to overestimate what other people are saying and doing, and question it all the time.

They believe that no one loves them or values ​​them. They take criticism very personally. And, what’s even worse is that they think there’s always an underlying motive when someone expresses gratitude.

It makes sense. There is a very consistent unconscious mindset behind it. How can another person love me more than I love myself?

How can anyone respect me more than I respect myself? How can someone be more kind to me than I am to myself?

When you do not love yourself, you are always on the defensive

Always being defensive is another clear sign that you do not love yourself as much as you should. Insecurity and lack of self-confidence will keep you constantly on the lookout for no good reason.

And it not only increases your stress level. It also prevents you from being objective about things going on around you.

Being on the defensive like this, prevents you from understanding what people are telling you or asking you about. And it makes you feel unsure of what other people are thinking.

It also creates a state of fear and sadness that does not allow you to enjoy things. When you are on the defensive, your attitude towards others can easily become rude, unpleasant or tense, if not violent.

Also, to  always be on the defensive means that you act based on “worst case” scenarios. Therefore, your reaction may be too exaggerated and even inappropriate.

The result is often conflict that can actually end up making your worst fears a reality and confirming your point of view.

You try to avoid conflict by pretending that everything is fine

Another thing that can happen is that you want to avoid a conflict, so you pretend that everything is fine. This means that instead of standing up for justice or for yourself, you choose to give up to avoid problems.

The problem is that your lack of self-confidence and self-understanding will not give you the strength to defend yourself. On the other hand, you will easily start an argument about something meaningless or something that is not very important to you.

You are afraid that others will get angry or ignore you for defending your opinion. This will make you accept what they say or agree with you, so that they will be satisfied.

And what happens in that process is that you feel even more that your opinion does not matter. That no one cares what you want.

You compare yourself to others, even if there is nothing to compare

The habit of comparing yourself to others is another clear sign that you do not love yourself. In reality, comparing oneself with other people is not automatically negative.

The problem is that people who do not love themselves go too far with the comparison. This is especially true with their appearance.

In fact, a person who does not love himself will compare where there is nothing to compare. Then they roll around in the outcome of the comparison.

As a result, not only does their self-esteem decline, but they also experience feelings of envy or forgiveness, or even of being a victim of injustice. All this does is undermine self-love even more.

When you do not love yourself, you get low self-esteem

You see your accomplishments only as luck. Love yourself and your achievements!

It is true that many of the things we achieve may have come from a bit of luck. But not everything is a matter of luck. You need to know how to take advantage of opportunities to turn that little bit of luck into something.

But if you do not love yourself enough, you will not be able to recognize the value of what you have achieved. This is why you do not value your abilities or your efforts.

So, of course, you do not see that other people may be able to appreciate what you have achieved, and you do not understand their congratulations or praise. In this way, the attitude of giving luck all the credit for your achievements will make you feel incompetent and unmotivated – directionless.

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