Five Fatalistic Beliefs That Paralyze You

Many are unaware of their deep fatalistic beliefs. These are beliefs that are filtered into your consciousness at some point and remain there for years.
Five fatalistic beliefs that paralyze you

You think that the way you look at the world is normal, and you rarely question your ideas and beliefs. However, you realize that fatalistic beliefs are unrealistic and unfounded if you take a closer look at them.

The biggest problem with fatalistic beliefs is that they significantly narrow the horizon. They are false ideas disguised as truths, so they can deceive you with erroneous conclusions about your reality. The worst thing about them is that they kill our will to make changes and live life differently.

One by one, these are false beliefs that cling to the collective unconscious. Not only that, but society takes up these false beliefs because they seem to explain some of life’s challenges. Let’s take a look at the five most common fatalistic beliefs.

1. Fatalistic beliefs: I must blame and punish those who hurt me

This is one of the fatalistic beliefs that make us act childish in our relationships. It makes us believe that we are passive victims of the actions of others in many situations. This is because playing the victim is much more appealing than taking responsibility.

Woman accuses a man of something.

In this context, many conflicts end in escalating violence. Everyone involved ends up hurting each other. It is also common for one or all parties involved in the conflict to be more concerned with “winning” or playing the victim than solving the problem.

2. My accident comes from outside, so I can not do anything about it

This is when you believe that negative experiences come from invisible forces that are without understanding or control. For some reason, this bad luck is related to you. In other words, it makes it possible to avoid responsibility by blaming things on this external force. It makes you a victim of a random fate. If you can not control what happens to you, why bother trying?

Again, in this situation you assume that you are not the subject, but instead the subject of misfortune. You waive any responsibility for your actions, as well as the freedom to lead your own life. If you believe in this, you will blame external forces no matter what happens to you. That way, you do not have to consider your own actions and mistakes.

Woman walking in the water.

3. It is easier to avoid problems than to face them

Looking for problems is as foolish as trying to avoid them. You hear and see messages all the time telling you that you should keep things simple so as not to get involved in problems. They tell you to leave things as they are and avoid making noise. Often these messages lead to passivity and conformism.

The worst part is that avoiding difficulties often makes them worse. Dealing with things at the right time and in a mature way can help ensure that they do not cause permanent damage. Sticking your head in the sand and waiting for something to pass can be a costly decision. You may stop looking at the problem for a while, but the consequences can be catastrophic.

4. Fatalistic beliefs: People do not do what they are supposed to do

Some choose to explain the bad in the world as the logical consequence of the actions of others. Other people do not do what they are supposed to do, which is why things do not work. This fatalistic belief is not helpful. On the contrary, it distorts the interpretation of reality.

These are beliefs that also help you avoid responsibility. Of course, it is possible that you are right about “other” people. They do what they should. But all evil can not be explained away by the mistakes or bad deeds of others.

Fatalistic beliefs say you are never wrong.

5. It’s horrible when things do not happen the way I want them to

Fatalistic beliefs tend to happen in the brains of egocentric people. It is their egocentrism that keeps them from analyzing their own beliefs. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for them to accept the possibility that they are wrong. Therefore, it is easy to find people who become scapegoats when things do not happen exactly the way they want them to.

It’s because they think there’s only one way to see and do things: their way. When reality goes against their desires, they cannot expand their horizons and accept it. Instead , they are fighting against reality and can not move forward.

All these fatalistic notions are harmful. They contribute to the idea that you are not the one in charge of your life. Instead, they eradicate the freedom and autonomy that we are all capable of having.

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