Learn About Simon Sinek And The Golden Circle

Simon Sinek’s golden circle assumes that the reason for carrying out projects is the most important issue a professional should be clear on.
Learn about Simon Sinek and the Golden Circle

Simon Sinek’s golden circle is a principle you can use to help a company flourish. It allows you to discover what goals you have to focus your efforts on and how to do it.

An English visionary named Simon Sinek popularized this theory. It claims that although many companies are aware of what they are doing, and they even know what processes they need to follow to achieve their goals, they are not aware of why they are doing things (the mission).

This is the basis of Simon Sinek’s ideas. It tries to explain the three questions every business needs to answer in order to succeed in professional work. They claim that if you follow this principle, the company’s inspirational power and benefits will increase.

The questions in Simon Sinek’s golden circle

The three basic questions in Simon Sinek’s golden circle are the following:

  • What does the company do? (What?)
  • How does the company fulfill its tasks or what processes does it follow? (How?)
  • What is the company’s task that says the reason for the operation? (Why?)

The third of these questions, according to Simon Sinek, is one that many companies cannot answer. When working with commercial teams or helping them build their business plans, it is often wise to ask “why?” or “for what?”.

It turns out that this is a powerful weapon for identifying weak points in an action plan. In this context, an initiative in itself is not good or bad. Instead, you should think about whether it gets the company closer or further away from the goals it wants to achieve.

a man drawing a graph

Let’s take the example of the question of whether or not you should include your new product line in the online store. It would be foolish to just say “yes” or “no” right away. An online store expert is a person of importance here. The consultant’s job is to help them decide if the proposed actions are in line with the company’s mission.

The real mandatory question you should ask is “why or for what purpose do I want to include these products in the online store?” After an intense series of questions, and always within the framework of Simon Sinek’s golden circle, only those who can answer their own question.

The basis of Simon Sinek’s golden circle

To apply the ideas of Simon Sinek’s golden circle, you need to put yourself in the position of the people who will hear about the creation of the new project. That way you can think about how they are. You will also consider what motivates them, why they are interested, and their beliefs and values.

Using it as a basis, you can contact them to explain the reasons and purpose of the new project. The “why” in the idea comes from the most primitive part of your brain where you have your natural instincts.

It stimulates a sense of security in you. This is the message that many brands use. It’s because they’re trying to conquer your life and make you a follower. They understand that if they present themselves properly, you will be willing to identify with the brand and share their values.

After that, the next question you should consider is how to meet the project’s goals. Here you will consider the benefits of implementing the new ideas. You will also determine any issues related to the viability of the change. You must explain the processes, actions and decisions you must make during the project.

the golden circle helps people put ideas into practice

The materialization of the idea

Finally, you will show what you will achieve when the project is completed. In this final step , you will consider the details of the ultimate goal. This last phase of Simon Sinek’s golden circle is connected to the more rational part of your brain. It is the part that guides your actions.

Apart from that, it will also be the calculation you measure your success and achievement with. It also lets you know if you have met your goals or not, and rekindle your motivation because of the feelings of satisfaction and reward you receive when the job is completed.

Ultimately, you can use these theories to configure the way you organize a new project in your business. You want to use the purpose of the business as a basis. This would be better than a company trying to implement ideas without a purpose.

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