A Highly Sensitive Person And Their Emotionally Negligent Family

Emotionally negligent families believe that their highly sensitive children are less capable than others. They see their children’s sensitivity as a kind of frailty and punish them for it. This type of upbringing can have quite serious consequences.
A highly sensitive person and their emotionally negligent family

Sometimes a highly sensitive person is forced to grow up in an emotionally negligent family. It may be that neither their parents nor siblings have the same personality traits. In many cases, this makes them feel misunderstood.

A highly sensitive person is very emotional. But being born and growing up in an emotional void makes them feel abandoned. Not getting emotional approval also leads them to believe that something is wrong with them.

Carl Jung described a highly sensitive person as someone who treats his reality differently because of an innate and definite sensitivity. Therefore, there is nothing negative about this 20% of the population. In fact, studies show that their brains are more unique.

In fact, a highly sensitive person has a genetic variation called ADRA2B. This peculiarity affects a very specific type of neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. This is why they have a more sensitive nervous system which translates into more empathy and an ability to connect and respond to all stimuli.

There are many families who know how to handle it and support their highly sensitive child. However, other families show negligent behavior that could potentially hurt their child.

Highly sensitive child

How a Highly Sensitive Person’s Emotionally Neglected Family Affects Them

An emotionally negligent family is not only unaware of the needs of their relatives. They also choose to ignore these needs, disrupt them or even punish them for it. This can leave deep scars.

Highly sensitive children suffer from this. They are not allowed to understand or validate their wonderful qualities. Since their childhood, they learn to assume that they must protect themselves from the world. They try to turn a room inside themselves into a shelter where they can be  invisible. In this room, they suppress their emotions so that they are not punished for them.

People do not know that ignoring the needs of a highly sensitive person constitutes abuse. According to Dr. Jonice Webb, many parents view sensitivity as a trait they need to correct. For them, sensitivity is a weakness. Thus, they punish or compare their children with siblings or friends who, in their opinion, are more capable.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand some important aspects about highly sensitive children and their education.

High sensitivity is a genetic trait: You can not change it

You are either born with it or not. As we mentioned at the beginning, high sensitivity is the result of a small genetic variation. This change makes the person more sensitive to pain and visual and auditory stimuli. Certain types of clothing can cause discomfort, as well as TV noises and many people talking at the same time.

None of this can be changed. Thus, punishing them for their personality or the things they do can harm them.

Highly sensitive person

Sensitivity is not a weakness

Emotionally careless families send a clear message to their children: they are different and there is something negative about them that they need to fix. It’s like you love  art  and music from birth, and someone tells you that what you like is stupid. This type of parent may even forbid their children to listen to music and paint or draw.

However, high sensitivity is not a weakness, but a gift that one must understand.

Emotions and the way each person understands them and connects them to their surroundings cannot be punished or banned. Doing so can have serious consequences:

  • Low self-esteem.
  • Difficulty forming strong relationships.
  • Abstinence from social events.
  • Make them more vulnerable to bullying.
  • Difficulty accepting one’s own identity and developing a mature and confident personality.

How to overcome the effects of having a emotionally negligent family?

Is it possible to overcome the effects of having an emotionally negligent family? A highly sensitive person is at some point in their life forced to adopt certain things. First of all, they must understand an undeniable reality: there is nothing wrong or criminal with them. Feeling the world different is a gift.

In fact, the gift is  like seeing reality through a piece of glass. The colors and flashes are wonderful and fascinating, but the effect of the light is always painful.

Highly sensitive person

Highly sensitive people are not weak. In reality, they have great potential. To increase your self-esteem, accepting yourself and dealing with your emotions is without a doubt the best tool.

It is also important to understand that most people do not perceive reality in the same way as a highly sensitive person. There are many ways people can enjoy their reality. The most important thing is to respect and understand each other without compromising the magic in each of us.

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