Being Prepared Is Half The Battle

Being prepared is half the battle

Every time I need to make an important decision, I stop for a moment, inhale all the air I can, and listen to my heart until it feels like I’m prepared.

I do this not only when I have to make a decision, I also do it in the event of abrupt changes  that turn everything upside down, leaving us disoriented and in disarray. For me, being prepared is a process that allows me to find emotional balance.

Being prepared is half the battle: Focus on the end of reaching the goal

Some decisions or life changes mark a radical turning point from everything in the past, and others will determine our present and our future. Normally,  when it comes to sudden changes, we can not allow ourselves that margin of preparation in advance to be able to handle the changes in the best way possible. However, we can try to approach them from the most objective place possible, and prepare ourselves for the phase where we must practice accepting.

Girl thinking

Perhaps this attempt to be objective towards something that oppresses us from within, and does not allow us to see clearly, will also be one of the most difficult goals to achieve. On the other hand, it is one of the most effective and satisfying goals to achieve.

We are lucky if we get to spend some time discussing the possibilities, thinking about the consequences and taking responsibility. 

You know you have the courage inside you

Of course, having gotten to where I am now, I have had to do the things we talk about many times, and most of the time it was not easy at all. But no one has said it was going to be easy. Because, it must be said, that  everything that is worth something in our lives, we have had to acquire through a great personal effort.

I have learned that if I think I can, then I can; I know more than I have ever been able to imagine that I have the strength I decide to have; there is no weight that can be placed on my shoulders that I can not carry, if I have decided to.

It turns out that the most common feeling we have when we face a change is fear. Fear takes over our minds, and it is important that we stand up to it. Fear stops us when we are close to falling, and that is when our courage must step in.

We all have courage, just as we have fear. We  just have to dare to be braver than the situation demands of us,  and when that happens, we will be prepared. Half the match has already been won.

The power is with you

The result is at the end

When you have half the victory in your hands through preparation, the full victory depends on the result of your decision.

If it was a break from the past, you have won: to be prepared and to breathe is part of overcoming and accepting.

If there was a choice, it could go wrong; But if it goes wrong, do not get discouraged or depressed. It’s not all that depends on your efforts. 

On the other side; If you were wrong, it’s okay: making a mistake is human, and human is what you are. The only thing you can control is your attitude and your ability to accept and change yourself.

You are aware of what is happening to you and what may happen to you, and to prepare yourself for it, is the first step towards being able to be able to say: I was capable of it, I did it, or j I came me over it. The result is often the least important part of this process.

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