Children Learn To Read From Their Parents

Children learn to read from their parents

Children learn to read from their parents. Sitting on their parents’ lap, they learn to flip through books that allow them to travel to other worlds full of other lives.

For both children and adults, reading the perfect activity is a free afternoon. And that is something they will be able to use for the rest of their lives. Moments full of entertainment related to both brain and heart.

Reading is a wonderful activity because it allows us to build bridges to other ways of being. We get to be pirates, villains, princes, queens, princesses, fairies, animals and heroes from the Middle Ages who save the world from disasters.

Children in a forest with flying fish

With a book, imagination and adventure are guaranteed

If children learn to travel into a boxing fairytale world, they will find wonderful friends who, with the help of their words, plant endless stories in their minds. Reading gives them the opportunity to live a thousand lives, to rediscover themselves in a number of different characters, to think, fantasize and reflect.

A child who reads will become an adult who thinks, and thanks to that they will move away from habits that require speed and comfort. This gives them the opportunity to experience different lives and immerse themselves in diverse worlds.

Being more aware and living in diversity will set them free and maximize their abilities, potential and ability to dream.

Girl looking in magnifying glass

Principles that promote the love of reading

Children need to see their parents and other people they admire read. They learn to love reading in the lap of their parents. Here are a few tips:

  •  A passion for reading requires an eagerness to learn.
  • Reading is an activity that requires reflection, concentration, silence and being alone.
  • To read also requires patience, since not all stories captivates us from the beginning.
  • Reading becomes more interesting if our surroundings value it as a good topic for conversations.
  • Reading also means being confronted with complicated emotions, contradictions and the wonderful link between imagination and reality.

When children begin to understand that they can get all this from reading, then it will be an incredibly attractive activity for them. Not only does it give them access to written thoughts and narrative stories. But it can also motivate them to transform others’ love of reading and make it their own. For no one who once enjoyed reading stops liking it later.

Children under three

Parents are the perfect bond between their children and reading

Parents are, for better or worse, role models for their children. In the eyes of their children, the heroes are dressed in ordinary clothes that can do amazing things. Parents need to do something very bad for their children to stop looking at them this way.

They can therefore influence their children more than any other person. But once they have realized their influence, what can they do to help their children read?

Here we will discuss some different ideas. The first one may seem obvious, but it does not make it any less important. Read in front of your children so that they feel like imitating you. It is also a good idea to read in public so that they understand that they never have to be embarrassed to read.

In addition , parents must place books in the hands of their children. Not only the books they like, but also others, with different themes, so that they can discover their own favorite genre. It’s not so much about getting them to read as it is about making them love to read. Therefore, rewards for getting children to read are not recommended. If something needs to be used, then the best thing you can do is give them recognition.

Create routines to promote reading

Another important means is to create a kind of calendar for reading. A relaxed moment in the day when children have no other desire than to discover what is inside the book in front of them. To do this, parents can take their children to the library and talk to them about what they have read on the way home.

Children read with a tree full of animals on their heads

No matter how you do it; teaching a child to read means giving them abilities and resources that they can use in the future to provide themselves with information, but also to have fun. It is important that children read something other than just the books they are given at school, and that they know that there are thousands of stories out there just waiting to be read.

Children can start doing all this at the age of 6-7. In the meantime, it’s a good idea to clear the way for them as readers. You can do this by telling stories and narratives, which will also help you maintain your enthusiasm for the magic found in children’s books. There is no doubt that reading is a pleasure that should become a habit from a young age.

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