Common Myths About Single People

Marriage does not necessarily mean “happy in all its days”, and being single does not necessarily have to be a nightmare. Although there are still many myths about single people, the truth is that the number of people who want to be single these days continues to increase.
Common myths about single people

Although times have changed, some people still believe in different myths about single people. The truth is that not so long ago, being single was seen as a kind of mistake. In addition, finding a partner, starting your own family and living “happily ever after” was what you wanted.

The point, however, is that these days  , getting married and starting a family is not synonymous with success. Marriage can fail and families can be dysfunctional, which can break our hearts into a thousand pieces. As people began to realize this, the myths about single people began to disappear.

Of course, having a partner can also add a lot of positive to your life. However, this does not mean that it is necessary. It is precisely because of this that many have decided to stay away from this form of commitment. Still, you will always hear some negative myths about single people. Let’s take a look at them.

Single woman at home

Single people are less happy

This is one of the most common myths about single people. Some people think that the fact that someone is not living with a partner makes them bitter.

Usually, the first stages of love are full of euphoria and enthusiasm. However, couples who live together go through this stage at some point in the relationship. When you move in with your partner, you have to both adapt to many changes and deal with disagreements. The same thing happens with single people: they can be as happy or as unhappy as a married person. It all depends on how they control their resources and their daily lives.

Myths about single people: loneliness

The fact that you live alone does not mean that you feel lonely. Just as living with your partner does not necessarily mean that you feel in good company. Everyone is alone to some degree, and the bonds you form with others can push loneliness away, but not make it disappear completely.

A single person may feel less lonely than someone in a relationship. Sometimes marriage can limit the social conditions of the people in it. Their attention is in most cases directed at their partner and their children, which means that friendships and other family are given lower priority. However, single people have more time to build more significant relationships.

Single people are always thinking of getting married

This is one of the myths about single people that still exists because it stems from the idea that being single means you have failed. Some have simply not realized that  many men and women in the world have actually consciously decided not to be in a relationship.

These days, our lifestyles are more diverse. Some want to spend their time traveling around the world, others want to focus on their careers, and others simply have not found the person who motivates them to make big changes. In short, single people do not necessarily want to get married or be in a romantic relationship.

They are self-absorbed

Psychologist Bella DePaulo of Harvard University wrote a book called Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After. In it, she talks about interesting data on myths about single people, such as the fact that  only 30% of married people are willing to help their friends and families for humanitarian purposes, while 70% of single people would have done the same.

Friends drink coffee

Myths about single people: “peppermint” and “have not come out of the closet”

The word “peppermint” has a derogatory connotation, and it tends to label those who reach a certain age and have not married. The truth is, however, that this expression is an outdated mentality. On the other hand, there are also some who have the idea that when someone has been single all their life, it means that they have not “come out of the closet” yet.

In both cases there is prejudice. What was once “strange” is becoming more and more common today. DePaulo notes that currently, for the first time in history, there are more married single people than married people in the UK: around 51%. In the United States it is about 41%, and in other countries, such as Chile, this figure is about 30%.

It’s not wise to stay single if you want to be in a relationship, but it’s also not wise to get married just because prejudice tells you that’s what’s right. We live in more flexible times now, which means you can live the way you want.

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