Cravings: Tell Me What You Want To Eat And I Will Tell You How You Feel

Cravings: Tell me what you want to eat and I will tell you how you feel

People express their feelings in their relationship to food. Here we are talking about repressed emotions. Those that we are not always aware of or accept.

And since oppression is never total, these feelings often rise to the surface eventually. And the truth is that they are often expressed in how we eat or what we eat.

For us humans, food is much more than a biological necessity. From a symbolic point of view, it has to do with everything motherly. It has to do with how we love and are loved. It is our way of relating to the world.

A person who refuses to eat is in a way an expression of a desire to stop living. Someone who eats too much on the other hand betrays a desire to survive a real or imagined threat.

What we eat also says something about how we feel. In theory, all well-cooked foods should taste good to us because they provide us with nutrition. But without knowing why, we enjoy some food more than others.

Dr. Deanna Minich took the task of interpreting the hidden emotions behind “cravings” from her perspective as a nutritionist. This is what she discovered.

Spicy food and sadness

The word “spicy” is not just used for food. It can also describe situations or people that generate enthusiasm or excitement. To “spice it up” is to add a dose of interest or excitement. It is no coincidence that we use the word like this.

emotional eating: spicy foods

According to Dr. Minich, we have a craving for spicy foods when we are sad. Some people eat things that are so spicy that it gives them tears. We want spicy food because we want emotions, intensity and excitement in our lives.

But we do not understand that this is what we really want – or we know, but we are afraid to do new things. We compensate for this unfulfilled desire by eating spicy foods.

Baked goods and suffocating routines

This category includes cakes, pies, biscuits, etc. It is one of the cravings we experience most often, and one of the biggest contributing factors to obesity worldwide. Some people are obsessed with baked goods and cakes. Why?

People who crave these foods are people whose daily routines wear them out. They turn to carbohydrates to compensate for lost energy. They look for sweets so that they can restore, symbolically, the joy that is lacking in life.

Fans of salty foods

Many foods have a suitable salt level, and it is not “to taste”, as many recipes say. The right amount of salt improves the meal, it does not take over the other flavors.

But they are the ones who add a pinch of salt to everything. They reject the sweet, and they love all salt.

salt with biscuits

According to the study we have talked about, people who continuously want salt suffer from internal agitation. They can be anxiety or mental pain. Salt activates the movement of water in their body, so eating salty foods is a way to manifest inner restlessness.

Cravings after crazy

If we look closely at it, those who have a craving for something crispy do not love them because of the taste, but because it “crunches”. They make no effort to hide the crunch either. On the contrary, they like it.

In this case, the repressed feeling may be anger. Chewing these foods and enjoying the texture and sound is a way to “growl” or otherwise show anger. It is also a good way to get attention when we feel ignored.

Soft starches

Some foods attract us because they feel soft in our mouths. Foods such as rice, pasta and bread have a feeling of softness, like eating a pillow.

macaroni, fruit and other foods

Those who have cravings for these foods will be comforted, protected and loved. The airy texture of these foods gives a physiological feeling similar to being embraced. We want comfort food when we go through a tough time.

This relationship between food and our unconscious emotions is more than anecdotal. Although it does not fully explain our subconscious, it offers important clues that are worth paying attention to. We all have repressed emotions, and we all give in to our cravings from time to time.

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