Does The Country You Come From Affect Your Personality?

Does the country you come from affect your personality?

In what way does the country you come from affect the way you are? This question has been asked by many thinkers and scientists for many centuries. The answers to this question range from geographical determinism to a universal human essence.

The culture in which you grow up definitely has a big influence on the way you think and feel. It also has a big impact when it comes to shaping your self-concept. It is not so that it is a way of being based solely on nationality, but rather so that each country has certain dominant sets of traits and values.

There are also certain traits that are common to all people, regardless of the culture they come from. Margaret Mead, an anthropologist from England who was famous in the early 1920s, shows how even in the most exotic cultures there is a division of duties and position based on gender. And that each culture has its aesthetic expressions that are highly valued by society.

Ways to be and stereotypes

It is not easy to establish a set of traits that define one’s way of being based on the country you come from.  Sometimes this is influenced by prejudices and stereotypes associated with certain cultures. Also, because certain traits stand out as dominant, it does not mean that everyone who comes from a country will have the same traits.

The country you come from: men with mustaches of branches

Of course,  there are dominant customs that influence the personalities of the people who belong to that culture. It is also clear that people from the same country are exposed to the same historical facts and that the most relevant among these leave traces in people who will come to influence them.

On the other side of the issue,  each nation has its own set of values ​​that are encouraged both within families and in the education system. But do not forget that, due to political and economic interests, stereotypes are often developed that devalue or underestimate an entire group of people.

This has happened to the Jewish people, who were branded as “cheaters”, or the Indians, who were considered to be sneaky, dirty and degenerate. Or Vietnamese, who were considered bloodthirsty, lazy and insane. And so on, and so on.

Main features and stereotypes

To define a “way of being”, it is common to divide into different cultural origins that form  different blocks: Anglo-Saxons, Latinos or Asians. Although each of these groups includes many countries with important differences between them, they have certain features in common.

The country you come from: man on sinking house

It is said that Anglo-Saxons are characterized primarily by their individualism. This means that they are quite reserved, independent and practical. They tend to be competitive and, above all, to appreciate autonomy and freedom.

They appreciate precision, accuracy and method. They are generally considered to be systematic. They value the sense of humor as an expression of intelligence, and not as a state of mood. The concept of success and failure has been deeply ingrained in them, and they are organizing their lives around it.

Asians tend to have great respect for authorities and demand a lot of themselves. In Asian countries, they respect, or almost worship, all forms of hierarchy: the familial, the religious, and the political, for example. 

They are disciplined people who show respect and tolerance for others. They want their actions to adhere to their ethical principles. Above all, they value one’s ability to work and one’s honor.

The country you come from: Woman with a sack full of stars

Latinos are associated with people who have good abilities, are good at talking and are outgoing. It is said that they are not really attached to norms, they are rather very receptive to indulge in pleasures. They are creative, hospitable, cordial and generous.

They can give up professional success for a quieter life with friends and family. They have a wonderful sense of humor, and they like to express how they feel, especially through art. They have a reputation for being the best lovers, and they tend to be very attached to their families.

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