For Every Disappointment, There Is Time And Shoes

For every disappointment, it's time and shoes

There are no bad situations that can not be fixed with time and shoes. Because disappointments and problems are not fixed by waiting in a black hole that will sooner or later collapse.

You release pain by walking, flipping and distance yourself with the best shoes of all:  self-love.

William Gibson, a well-known science fiction writer, said that  time moves in one direction, forward, but people are often bound to memories and the past. There is nothing new happening there, just silence and opportunities that have disappeared.

In a way, this is how we  get caught up in our own web after disappointments  or something wrong happens. Our soul, our desires and our strength fail us even though we continue to get up every day. Although we continue to do everyday things like robots with rusty hinges due to our  tears.

This is when someone who thinks well says, ” do not worry, time heals all wounds.”

But, it is not as simple as it seems. Because people who are hurt will not move on. People who are trapped by anger, bitterness and annoyance are locked in a parallel dimension  where it has nothing to say whether it takes months or years.

Time alone will not heal any wounds. What you do with time is what helps you heal them. 

Female and tiger

The gods of time: Khronos, Cairos and Aion

When a person goes through a difficult period, whether it is a loss or difficult decisions, they  assume that after a few painful months, the pain will die out and things will get better. 

But this form does not always work. It is a mistake to think that the god of time will come and take away our sorrow because he is good.

It is not a god of time… there are three. Khronos is the most famous. He represents external and uniform time, with  past  and future. It is the one we can measure by looking at the movement of the stars or the ticking of our bells.

On the other hand,  Aion symbolizes the length of life.

But,  the one who interests us in psychology and when it comes to personal growth, is the young god Cairos. He is the one who is between the other two and represents opportunity.

Time and opportunity

He invites us to live in the present , and reminds us that each of us is made with different strengths and weaknesses, abilities and values. Even if they remain the same, we change all the time. Why? Because we are committed to progress, to healing, to learning every day.

Woman flies on owl

Let us think of time in a more specific, holistic and helpful way:  Khronos  and Cairos are constantly coming together. Time and opportunity for healing and growth happen from time to time and we must learn how to take advantage of them. 

Here is an interesting example. It is a coral reef that stretches along the coast of Florida. Its only  chance  to continue growing and stop its extinction occurs seven days after the full moon in August. That’s when it starts spawning. Right at sunset. It is a unique and magical moment, a moment where real opportunity is born.

My shoes will take me wherever the mind wants

As with any time, we know that getting through difficult situations  requires an active attitude, open eyes and motivation to keep going. We must be like the coral reefs that fight every year against the ground that push them more towards extinction.

If we want to leave fear and bitterness behind, it  will help to know where our shoes are. Shoes with durable soles, where self-love,  dignity  and renewed dreams give us the strength to jump over any obstacle. We can cross bridges, climb mountains.

Barefoot and butterflies

To conclude,  make time for your engine for change. Take advantage of every opportunity while your feet – your smile and your attitude – take you where you want to be. Where the most beautiful coral reefs grow. 

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