How Can You Train Your Brain To Be More Creative?

How can you train your brain to be more creative?

Are you someone who thinks that being more creative is overrated? Or do you think humanity needs good ideas? Are you someone who lets others have original ideas, or do you think you can contribute something new and change your life and the lives of others?

All people can train their brains to become more creative. But to do this, you have to think that creativity is very useful.

Daily creativity

It is an inevitable truth that creative minds will always be valued. On the other hand, creativity can also help us in our daily lives with both small and large problems. It also helps us to come up with ingenious solutions to problems that have not yet been solved with the “normal” route.

In fact, what we are talking about here is not how we should have a brain like Albert Einstein, but how we can expand our creative ability to get better and better. Creativity is not something only artists, writers or good entrepreneurs have. It gives us all the potential to innovate every single part of our lives.

Be more creative: a light bulb and paint.

9 ideas to be more creative

Many people think that they can not become creative people, but they are wrong. We can all be more creative than we are right now, and by training our brains, we can be a little more creative every single day.

Cultivating ideas is a way to create more and better ideas. There are also ways to help ideas flow more easily. It’s part of the process. Here are some ideas and tips that will help you train your brain to be more creative.

Forget the result

The most important thing is the process, not the result. Enjoying the process of shaping an idea will give you the freedom to think of alternatives and develop the idea more broadly. The result comes from such a creative process, a process that must have full attention to bear fruit.

Ignore criticism

A creative person must be immune to criticism that is not constructive, both from others and himself. Neither criticism nor self-criticism allows you to think clearly. Do not waste energy on it. Be compassionate with yourself and let your courage set you free to create. You will mess it up a lot, but you will only get something good if you let it flow.


Stress is one of the greatest enemies of creativity. Some levels of stress can be helpful in completing what you need to do. But when it comes to creating, you have to be calm. Why do you think there are so many people who have good ideas in the shower, when going for a walk or doing earthly things like doing the dishes? Because your mind relaxes.

Write down your ideas

It is one thing to have an idea, and another to give it a shape. Creating an idea can take time and sometimes the idea arises at the most inconvenient time. If you write it down, you get two things: first, you will not forget it. Second, it will not occupy your mind when you are immersed in other things. Writing down the idea will take away the pressure, and you can come back to it when you need it.


One of the most stimulating activities for the brain is reading. Reading, in some ways, enhances your experience. In addition, reading creates new neuronal connections in our brain – a process known as neuroplasticity.

Practice meditation

Meditation, to the extent that it helps us relax physically and mentally, also facilitates the creative process. Also, the type of meditation known as mindfulness trains us to focus on an idea and not to be derailed. It is a very useful skill in the creative process.


Have a healthy lifestyle

Alcohol, smoking, drugs, a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet are major enemies of the brain in general, and of the creative brain in particular. Eliminating toxins from your body and exercising will increase your energy levels and improve your creativity.

Dare to leave your comfort zone

The problem that many people have is that they try to create new ideas without leaving their comfort zone, which limits their opportunities. But big ideas do not understand the limits of “politically correct”, “tradition” or “comfort”. They usually require courage to look beyond these boundaries.

Think of the problem differently

Absolutely all the questions that come up around you can happen in more than one way. In fact , the solution to the problem is sometimes not to find a creative alternative, but to present the problem in a creative and different way.

Having many ideas does not mean having many good ideas

Being more creative and having lots of ideas does not mean that all ideas are very good, useful or valuable. A writer has to write a lot to achieve something very good. The same thing happens with a painter, a sculptor or a composer. And really, with everyone.

Ideas and checklists.

In reality, the smartest or most creative are not the ones who come up with creations of the most value. Rather, it is the one who works most with his ideas. It’s that simple. Maybe some need more work than others, but in the end, only the one who is willing to fail a lot is the one who will get something very good.

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