How To Find Your Place In The World And Be Happy?

Although finding your place in the world does not seem easy, all you have to do is look into yourself.
How to find your place in the world and be happy?

You feel like you do not fit in anywhere. You wake up every day with an empty feeling. For some reason, it seems impossible to find your place in the world. Wherever you go, it feels foreign to you. Sometimes you do not even feel like yourself. What happens to you?

Nothing and no one can make you happy. You wander from here to there in a monotony that drags you down into a sea of ​​doubt and uncertainty. In the same way, you do not understand exactly what is happening to you or your world. So you try to search for your existential meaning, but find no meaningful meaning in your existence. What can you do?

What are you going to think about this?

Nowhere seems quite right for you. You do not fit into any job. You feel as if existence is a heavy burden on your shoulders. Then you think about the world and how it works, and realize that it is not for you. Pessimism takes over. It feels like you are coming from another place, or that you were born at the wrong time. What are you going to think about this? How do you find your place in the world? These are some of the most common questions people ask themselves.

For some reason we can not explain, there are magical places where everything seems to fit together. Everyone has their own magical place. Some people feel comfortable in religious temples, while others feel it in large gardens or in the woods, on beaches and other places where people feel connected to the world.

It can be painful not to know your place in the world.

Your place in the world and the expectations of others

If you stop and think about the feeling of helplessness, you can find important answers. On many occasions, your surroundings have conditioned you in such a way that it has established the roads you have to walk. So you subconsciously accept these paths as if they are your own choices. And despite your apparent success, you feel uncomfortable.

In many cases, you have accepted the life that others have expected of you. You have gone these ways without more ifs and buts. In fact, you have never even considered other goals. It’s time to think about whether you live the life you want, or what others expect of you. 

The Buddhist nun Lhundup Damchö said that before she sought happiness in Buddhism, she was a successful journalist. But she was not happy. Something was wrong. She decided to leave her old life behind, and become a Buddhist nun. Since then, she has dedicated herself to others, which has made her really happy.

Lama Rinchen, a Buddhist meditation teacher, has a similar story. He was a successful businessman who decided to close the juice shop one day, and dedicate himself to Buddhism.

Are you happy in what you do? Take a look inside yourself and analyze what really makes you happy. 

Finding your place in the world means looking into yourself.

Your place in the world: Inner emptiness and Buddhism

Buddhism says that the inner emptiness you feel when you do not find your place in the world is due to separation from your authentic Buddha nature. What is Buddha Nature? The answer is simple: It is the ultimate state of existence, a state in which you are truly happy. To achieve this condition, you must let go of all the circumstances that cause you to suffer. Therefore, by letting go of mental ailments, you will increase your chances of being happy in all circumstances.

Thus , your place in the world does not depend on where you are, but on your mental state. If you find peace, no place will seem hostile or uncomfortable. You will find genuine fulfillment.

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