I Do Not Know How, But I Want To Get Through This

I do not know how, but I want to get through this

I do not quite know how I am going to get through this and out of this black hole I am in.  Sometimes life overshadows all the intersections and it makes me feel like it is the end of the world.

But I know that this feeling comes from the fact that my vision has been overshadowed by all these negative thoughts. Deep down, I know I’m going to get through this. Because I have felt this way before and I have managed to overcome it before.

Now that I have some perspective, I can see that many times I overreacted. Those situations were not dangerous anyway. 

The biggest drama at the moment was the drama I created in my own brain. Despite that, there are still many different beliefs and many different perspectives I need to reconsider. Somehow I have to find peace.

 I want to get through this: Endings are also new beginnings

We are afraid of changes. It’s sad when our favorite series or book ends. When a relationship ends, we are afraid that it will ruin the idea of love for the rest of our lives. We try to avoid these feelings at all costs.

However, such behavior prevents us from making  decisions  that may actually be beneficial to us. For example, ending a relationship that survives on pure nostalgia is not negative. But the relationship itself can be harmful.

Despite this, we believe the opposite and stand by our beliefs. We feel protected by a false sense of loyalty to the other person. And all the time we fail ourselves.

A woman in front of a moon

Sometimes turning up with someone or leaving something behind is not a choice we can make. Sometimes it is the circumstances that force us to end a cycle without the opportunity to go backwards. And this can be difficult to deal with. We are not prepared and that is not exactly what we want.

We tend to compare kindness with things that are long lasting and safe. The opposite is negative. Society teaches us this all our lives. Therefore, we become connected to objects, situations and people. That is why it is so difficult for us to let things go and to make decisions that end things.

When life gets heavy we can fall, but we can not give up

Let’s get rid of the belief that the end of something is always a failure. All it leaves us with is frustration. We end up feeling worried and  paralyzed, unable to move forward.

It is detrimental to our self-esteem. We think that a kind of black magic exists that is strong enough to destroy everything we want to do that is worth something.

But listen: we are more resilient than we think. We forget about our ability to continue even after we end up at the bottom. We have all had those moments in the past where we thought everything was over for us. But then, when we least expected it, new opportunities presented themselves. 

Woman with paper around her

It is painful to end something that made us happy  and that gave us so many good memories. We get used to our comfortable routine. When everything is the same every day, we feel comfortable. We feel confident that everything will be ok.

We are so used to our  comfort zone. It is warm, calm and friendly. But it is very easy to get stuck there. Things can stagnate. In addition, no matter how much we want to feel safe, problems and trouble are waiting around the corner to test us.

I’ve got it so far. I’m sure now I will be able to see an unpleasant situation as an opportunity instead of a bad thing. I may be able to avoid some decisions, but soon I will end up on a dead end. My determination will be put to the test, but I will get through this.

A girl sitting thinking

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