Learn How To Measure Happiness In Moments

To some degree, everyone feels the pressure of the future and the weight of the past. The truth is, however, that the only thing that is within your reach is the here and now. If you only focus on what has happened or is going to happen, you will suffer. In this article you can learn to measure happiness in moments, as well as to enjoy the present.
Learn how to measure happiness in moments

Being in and living in the present has incredible benefits. Although measuring happiness in the moment is an excellent philosophy, it can be difficult to actually do so. I see the struggle in my patients, whose lives revolve around their anxiety or sadness. But I also see it in many common habits. Have you noticed that too?

You feel nostalgic when you think of the past, the moments where you laughed so much that your stomach hurt, or the ones you want to be able to last forever. In an effort to recreate these moments, you make thousands of plans for tomorrow, hoping they will be perfect and unique. This requires a lot of work and a lot of preparation. This is how you spend your time – remembering and imagining things, lost in the memories of things that have already happened.

Sad woman with her hand on a window

Anxiety is about the past

Everyone thinks of their past, which is quite common. After all, you are a human being, and your memories are part of what defines you. As you move through life, it is tempting to go back to the past if you are not doing so well in the present. It is easy to cling to good moments (which are now good memories) as if they were our greatest treasure.

Problems arise when your desire to remain in the past gets in the way of personal growth. This type of behavior can affect your emotional health, especially if it becomes obsessive.

With this in mind, some memories can make you feel terrible. These moments from the past still cause a lot of sadness and make you feel guilty, especially if you do not know how to deal with them in a healthy way.

Uncertainty in a future that you will continue to create

Everyone worries about the future. We are sure that you have experienced moments where your thoughts have raced around in your head and you could not stop thinking about the future. This habit is very common in modern society and in many lifestyles. It forces your mind to be vigilant and use up its resources.

Although the future may be scary, this fear comes from imagining all the terrible things that can happen. This is a strategy that humans as a species have used to survive. However, it fails when you are unable to develop a certain tolerance for insecurity or to use expectations to develop strategies to prevent anxiety.

To measure happiness in moments

The only reality you can actually change with your behavior is the one that is happening right now. This is where life happens, whatever happens while reading these lines. All you can do now is enjoy every moment you get to experience. Ultimately, life is made up of these small moments.

When taking a trip back to the past or thinking about the future, it is important that you are able to objectively realize that you are doing so. You need to learn to separate your emotions from situations, and be able to recognize new paths that open up for you so that you can move forward. One of the most important ways you can make things happen is by placing yourself firmly in the present and looking for happiness in every single moment.

Of course, this is much easier said than done. However, you can adopt this habit with practice. The first step is to embrace the idea that there is nothing wrong with change. Accept that life is synonymous with change and development, and that the present is where life takes place.

Woman with closed eyes standing in a meadow

The author and expert in leadership and administration, Francisco Alcaide, gave a great tip on how to control your emotions and take control of your life:

  • Look back on the past with gratitude.
  • Enjoy the present with enthusiasm.
  • Build the future with hope.

To measure happiness in the moment – enjoy them

As you go through your daily life, you need to stop once in a while and straighten your focus. Try to stop being busy while turning off your negative inner dialogue. Only then will you be able to live in the present and truly enjoy it.

It also helps to practice mindfulness, as it is a technique that helps you to be fully aware of present moments. It gives you the peace you need to respond, not just react, to the things that are happening to you.

All you have to do is stop and think about the moments that make up your life. If you follow closely, your best memories are often a stroke of luck. Even if you did not look for them, they happened while you were living in the present.

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