Mental Jujutsu To Fight Negative Thoughts

In this article we will talk about mental jujutsu. Do not miss it!
Mental jujutsu to combat negative thoughts

Jujutsu ( jiujitsu, ju jitsu, ju-jitsu ), also known as the martial art of flexibility, can also be used in the life of your mind, as mental jujutsu, to defend you against negative inner dialogues and attack thoughts that violate self-confidence and well-being. ditt.

Mental jujutsu is an exercise in reflection where you can deactivate negative and useless thoughts. It’s a simple strategy that we should all use for obvious reasons: most of us deal with the exhausting internal dialogue that likes to erode our potential. These mental wars can be reduced if we decide to use this interesting resource.

Mark Twain said, with his own unique humorous style, that his mind had to be quite wonderful as he had to have so many difficult battles with it to make it stop being his enemy. There is a lot of truth in this. Humans are eternal prisoners of mental reasoning who do not always work in their favor.

In our internal, overgrown garden, there are an abundance of phrases such as “I can not”, “I have to” and “what will others think of me if I do or say this?” It is not easy to deactivate them or weed them away from your personal terrain like weeds.

The reason for this is actually very simple: They have been with you for many years. Your negative internal dialogue is like an uncomfortable travel companion that you have also given too much power to. However, it is possible to free yourself from it. These simple techniques will help you accomplish this important task.

Face and forest

Mental jujutsu: three strategies for disabling negative thoughts

Jujutsu is a Japanese martial art that uses a wide variety of attack and defense strategies. The ultimate goal is not to use any kind of weapon. Japanese warriors used these techniques to deal with armed and heavily armored samurai.

It is also said that it is one of the most effective martial arts. The goal is to ensure that the opponent surrenders, but without using unnecessary or extreme violence. Precisely because of this, jujutsu is also known as the art of softness or flexibility.

The approach to this practice is really helpful in dealing with our negative inner dialogue. This is what mental jujutsu consists of:

1. More serenity, less self-boycott

When we commit to practicing meditation or jujutsu regularly, there is one result in particular that we will notice: our negative emotions are reduced, and we feel calmer and more focused.

One of the purposes of mental jujutsu is to achieve an inner balance. This balance will aim to reduce your “aggressive” negative thoughts, including self-boycott, self-criticism or the typical “I can not” or “this is not for me”.

However, there is one interesting thing you should pay attention to. In a study conducted by Dr. Jason Moser at the University of Michigan, he explained that you need to use the third person to control and disable your negative internal dialogue.

In your mentally exhausting universe, it is common to always talk to yourself in the first person. On the other hand, when you start using the third person, another voice of authority suddenly begins to appear. This voice can really change things and make an impression on our lives.

Some phrases that can be very helpful are: “calm down and focus”, “do not question or criticize yourself”, “appreciate more of everything you do”.

2. Mental jujutsu: The art of immobilizing what is not useful

Martial arts is not about harming other people or beating them down. What you are trying to do is simply immobilize them and prevent them from acting aggressively towards you. Similarly, when practicing your daily mental jujutsu exercises, you will notice that this strategy is very helpful. Another name for it is psychological kata.

What you need to do first is find out what thoughts are not helping you no matter what.

Sometimes, for example, criticize yourself too much: You have to  actually criticize themselves once in a while, for example, to be aware of what you have done wrong, and to help you improve yourself and do things in a better way. At times, however, the critical voice can be almost obsessive.

In these cases, you need to take advantage of mental jujutsu to immobilize it, take hold of it and stop its continuous negative activities. You could say something like this: “ I’m telling you now is not the time. You’ve gone too far with all the questions and the way you trivialize me. Stop criticizing me; only do it when it is really necessary and useful. The only criticism I will accept is the one that will help me grow and learn.

Man with a blue ring on his forehead

3. Tear down the thoughts that hurt you

The third mental jujutsu strategy requires you to be a little more powerful. The goal is clear: to tear down useless reasoning. It is also necessary to tear down the ideas that immobilize you, in addition to getting rid of everything that hurts you and slows down your ability to be happy, free and emotionally mature. So, how can you tear down negative thoughts? Here are some guidelines:

  • Discover the harmful thoughts that affect your well-being.
  • Confront them and repeat sentences such as “Do not show up for the job interview. It’s not worth it anyway, they do not want you ”to:
    • Is there any real reason why they would not choose me?
    • What is the problem with trying, simply?
    • What’s worse: To have at least tried, or to be trapped at home in my fear and insecurity?
  • Throw, tear down and replace : The idea that it is not worth going to the job interview is not useful to me at all. Precisely because of this, I will stop letting it take over my mind. Instead, I will replace it with another idea: “ I will go to that interview, I will do my best, I will feel comfortable, and I will trust myself. That way I will be able to be proud of what I have done ”.

To conclude, as you can see, mental jujutsu can be very helpful if you work on these strategies daily. Investing time and effort in cultivating a healthier, more secure attitude free from irrational thoughts will give us a happier and healthier outlook on life.

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