Narcissists In The Workplace Make It Toxic And Unproductive

Narcissists in the workplace can make you feel burnt out and exhausted. They can affect your desire to grow professionally.
Narcissists in the workplace make it toxic and unproductive

A work environment with tension, anxiety, criticism and low productivity is not a good place to work at all. Narcissists in the workplace undermine initiative and even basic activities. They always need to be in the center of attention. Narcissists need all the praise and their strategy to get it is pretty devastating. They sabotage the rights and well-being of their employees.

Experts in personality psychology claim that we are all narcissistic sometimes. But when we meet narcissistic people in the work environment, it gets very complicated.

Your workday takes up a large part of your time. Not only that, but you are financially dependent on your job and you have professional goals for your career or position. Having to work with harmful and toxic people makes it difficult to do your job and fulfill your purpose.

It is not easy to deal with narcissists on a daily basis. Their behavior is often as irrational as it is exhausting. If you do not have strategies for defending yourself, they can affect your quality of life.

Although there are studies that say we have seen a reduction in narcissism in recent years, such as a study from the University of Illinois, it is still important to know how to deal with narcissists for our well-being and professional life. Let’s take a look at some strategies that will help you coexist with them.

A narcissist at work who listens to music

How to recognize narcissists in the workplace

Labor narcissists have many names. They are the social climbers, the opportunists, the gossipers and the selfish ones who do not know how to work as a team. They make decisions without consulting anyone. In short, they are the ones who create a suffocating and unproductive work environment. Narcissists kill their colleagues’ motivation, initiative and desire to go to work every morning.

We should clarify something about narcissism. There are people who may have one or two narcissistic traits. On the other hand, a small proportion of the population suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Consequently, it is a spectrum most people are on. Some seem to tick all the boxes, while others have their narcissism in check. People who are mildly narcissistic can even correct their behavior with the right feedback.

Let’s take a look at the profile of a classic narcissist since these people can really hurt their colleagues and their company.

  • They will always be in the center of attention.
  • Narcissists believe they should get all the prizes and rewards.
  • They lie to get what they want.
  • Ridiculing others and putting them in the spotlight are things they usually do.
  • They will never admit that someone else has done something good.
  • Narcissists do not take responsibility for their mistakes. They manipulate situations so that others take responsibility for their mistakes and incompetence.
  • Narcissists tend to be jealous people.
  • They often force others to engage in unethical behavior.

Similarly, psychologists Sander Thomaes and Bram Brushman from Utrecht University conducted a study that showed that narcissists are often very charming in the beginning. They can be the nice, friendly colleague or boss that you can go to for help. However, their real intentions become clear over time.

A stressed woman at work

How can we survive with narcissists in the workplace?

Narcissists in the workplace can make you feel burnt out and exhausted. They can affect your desire to grow professionally. Things get even more complicated if your boss or supervisor is narcissistic and they do not care about your rights. In extreme situations, we recommend that you request a workplace assessment or go to the HR department.

In everyday situations, understanding some basic ideas can help you maintain your motivation and goals at work.

Get to know them and understand their weaknesses

This first strategy is very basic. You must avoid playing the same game as them. You have to remember that they only want admiration and recognition. Never forget that their weak point is their self-esteem. To do this, keep the following things in mind.

A narcissist will always have immediate attention. They make a living from it. Do not give it to them. Make them see that they are not that important to you. Your priority is your job and your goals. If the narcissist is your boss, try to avoid meeting their requests immediately. This is especially important if the requirements are not particularly relevant to your job and they just want to get you stuck.

Put your needs first

Narcissists demand, humiliate, lie and think only of themselves. They can look no further than their own noses. When you encounter this behavior, remember your needs and your rights. If something does not work properly, say so. Justify yourself by using “I” statements. Be confident and talk about their lack of empathy. Do not give in or fall into their trap.

Get it in writing

Narcissists in the workplace only demand things from others. As such, it is best that all those requirements are in written form (e.g. email or notes). That way, you have proof that it is an event. You must be able to refer to the specifics of a particular requirement.

Do not fall into their trap

Narcissists will always know things about you that they can use to their advantage. Thus, they will often try to get on well with you to create a sense of intimacy and gain information. Avoid falling into the trap. Avoid talking about your personal life and be careful about sharing opinions and information. A narcissist can use this information against you later.

A guy at a coffee shop working on his computer

Be aware of your values ​​and your rights

One of the most common problems with this type of personality is unethical behavior. They violate the rights of others. The worst part of it all is that they often force other people to engage in illegal activity.

That is why it is important to know your workplace rights. You should have access to good information about employment law and the company’s guidelines. Narcissistic bosses often know how to manipulate their employees to achieve illegal (and unethical) changes. Avoid doing something you may regret later on by being confident. Remind them of the boundaries.

In conclusion, narcissists in the workplace can be very problematic. Sometimes they are involved in harassment or bullying. Other employees often choose to leave their jobs to avoid narcissistic employees. We know it’s not easy, but try to set boundaries. Do not give in to this type of behavior.

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