Take A Moment To Let Your Soul Reach You Again: A Beautiful African Story

Take a moment to let your soul reach you again: a beautiful African story

Sometimes a story touches our souls like nothing else. This time we will introduce you to an old African story that talks about a way of life where actions go one way and the heart another, because there is no time for them to meet. It goes like this:

It is said that a man ventured into the inhospitable lands of Africa. Only his gatekeepers followed him. Each of them had a machete in his hands, and they had gotten through the thick vegetation. Their goal was to keep going at all costs.

If a river appeared, they would cross it in the shortest possible time. If it was a hill, they increased the pace so as not to waste a single minute. But suddenly the gatekeepers stopped. The explorer was surprised. They had only been walking for a few hours. Then he asked them, “Why did you stop? Are you already tired after just a few hours? ”

Then one of the gatekeepers looked at him and said, “No sir, we are not tired. It’s just that we have moved very fast, so we have left our soul behind us. Now we have to wait for it to catch up with us. “

A story that encourages you to make contact with yourself

We have all felt disconnected from ourselves at one time or another. As if the person who got out of bed, who went to work, who talked, was not us, but a stranger. It’s something we feel many times when we’re busy with our busy lives and we can not find a way out.

Feathers at sunset

It’s about finding our center again. As the story goes, to let “our soul” return. Sometimes we just need to reflect carefully on the situation, but sometimes we need more than that.

If we do not feel that connection and the relative control over our lives, we may begin to lose our motivation. This feeling can turn into sadness, or anxiety. At that point, everything starts to get complicated. But good news: There is an easy way to fix this, and it only takes a few minutes a day. Here we tell you how to do it.

Let your soul reach you again: Sit by the side of the road for a moment

Like the gatekeepers in African history, if you feel disconnected from your center, it’s time to take a break. You have probably been in too much speed. It has kept you from smelling the roses and, most importantly, from taking your soul with you on the road you are on.

It is best to find a quiet moment, ideally later in the day. It’s your moment of intimacy with yourself, and you’re worth it. Relax and ask yourself: How was your day? So just review the things that happened during the day.

African deer at sunset

Don’t just think about the things you did, but also the thoughts and feelings that came up. What was the first thing that came to mind when you woke up? How have you felt during the day with other people, situations and yourself? Dedicate at least five minutes to this mental review of your day.

Move towards reflection and let your soul reach you again

At first, you will probably only see a series of mechanical activities and emotions. But eventually, as African history says, your soul will begin to reach you again. Creating a checklist is a basic way to get closer to yourself, but it’s just the beginning, the first steps.

You do not have to make a detailed list of everything you did. Just let what comes into your mind flow, even if it is messy. Before you know it, you will notice different experiences that you did not even know were happening. Echoes of the feelings you have ignored and the unpleasant feelings you wasted.

Lonely marigold at sunset

Do this and your soul will reach you again. Gradually you will be able to find your balance again. The reward for this little daily effort is more peace. You will also get more out of the things you go through and get to know yourself better. The most important thing is that you want a tool to look at your life and find out if that is what you really want.

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