The Paradox Of Being A Loner And Finding Love

Being lonely and finding love is certainly possible. This is because those who are alone also long for it. They know what kind of relationship they want and what they expect from their partner. This may be why it is so difficult for them to find the “perfect” person.
The paradox of being a loner and finding love

Is being lonely and finding love possible? Those who like themselves alone are often misunderstood as ill-fitting people, shy, and outsiders in the social world. They are the “weird” ones you never quite understand. All of these are myths, as a person who enjoys his own loneliness does not necessarily dislike human connection. In fact, they will not give up love when the opportunity arises.

It sounds complicated, and even contradictory. The type of loneliness a person can choose usually corresponds to a characteristic and specific lifestyle. One where there are no rules or agreements. Their home is theirs, and they have full control over all the activities and tasks that can happen there. A single person does not need formal ties and does not care about being part of the obligations of others.

So how can they align their personality with the desire to find true, authentic and lasting love? There are some strategies. However, we need to clarify a number of dimensions that allow them to take action and find the person they can bring into their unique universe. As Arthur Schopenhauer pointed out, being alone is the fate of all great personalities. Finding someone who feels the same way about life is undoubtedly the best thing that can happen to someone.

Man sitting alone.

To be a loner and find love

This type of profile is often referred to as “a lone wolf”, but wolves actually live in herds and are very social animals. Bears, koalas and lionfish, a fascinating sea creature that is able to chase anyone who approaches with their poisonous fins, are solitary.

As you can see, there is also an abundance of singles in nature. The exception, however, is that the person living alone is already integrated in a social setting and has learned to switch between the two spheres.

Although they are able to move effectively between groups, these types of people return to their own shelters as soon as they can. This is because their loneliness is voluntary, so it does no harm. Instead, it balances and enriches.

However, loneliness does not necessarily give up new friendships or romantic relationships. This is mainly because falling in love delights and excites everyone. So how can you find love when you thrive alone? Here are some strategies you should consider.

Desire versus needing a partner

Do you want to find someone to love and share projects, experiences and future plans with, or are you just looking for someone who can ease your loneliness? You need to be clear on this. Many people define themselves as loners and do not hesitate to express that “this is how they like it”.

However, this is far from the case in many cases, and some have no choice. Thus, they want someone who can help them alleviate loneliness. This is not the best reason to find a partner. The wisest thing to do is to enjoy the loneliness and learn to love yourself unconditionally.

Only then will you be prepared to find and keep that special person. Only in this way will you be prepared to enjoy someone’s company and not just have them around because you desperately need them.

Be clear about what kind of relationship you want

Wondering how a loner can find love? Ask yourself what kind of relationship you are looking for. You may not want an obligation as a shared home. You may also want to share your time and your life with this person only on the weekends.

You may want to take it slow without obligation, and let the relationship mature and make decisions while the road is created. In any case, you should be very clear on this and at the same time tell the other person what you want and what you are looking for, so that you do not give any false expectations they may have.

Woman who remembers alone.

Loneliness has an advantage in a world where many people feel lonely

Strange, antisocial, strange… There are hundreds of descriptions for those who like themselves alone. Most are myths. They are outsiders in a world where many feel lonely. This is because they are neither in pain nor uncomfortable. On the contrary, they enjoy the time alone and the chosen existence.

All this is an advantage. Therefore, do not think people are so different. The most important thing that is fascinating about a loner is that they feel good about themselves. Yes, they have learned to enjoy the solitude and the rich inner world that comes with it. This type of people has less fear and insecurity, and it is an attractive trait people fall in love with.

Take advantage of your temperament, your sense of reflection, your open mind, the strength that defines you in the face of difficulties and your inherent inner loyalty. The whole thing is very attractive.

Being lonely and finding love is possible

Many people live in loneliness in a world that is more globalized than ever. In fact, they are more lonely than you might think, even though they see and feel the world the way you do.

Thus, this technology-based community offers many wonderful channels that are worth taking advantage of.

Look for people you like in different groups and in social networks. Find dating apps where everyone describes their profile, what they are looking for and what they expect from a partner.

To thrive alone and find love is possible when you know what you want. Thus, it is possible to find what you are looking for. You have to be honest about what type of relationship you want. Do not just look for someone who relieves your loneliness.

Finding love when you are lonely is neither an opposite nor an impossibility. Is that really what you want? Go for it then!

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