The Unconscious Mind – The 7 Best Quotes

The unconscious mind speaks to us through symbolism and emotions, but it can be difficult to understand the signals we receive.
The Unconscious Mind - The 7 Best Quotes

The unconscious mind is a concept that virtually everyone discusses. However, most of us do not understand its true meaning. We are also not very aware of its importance to our lives. Because of this, we will look at and reflect on some quotes that describe the unconscious mind, to offer some clarity and understanding.

In everyday speech, people call everything you do without thinking about it, or realizing it, unconscious. Yet, in psychoanalysis, the concept of the unconscious mind goes far deeper than that. There it is defined as a psychological structure that includes content that is suppressed by consciousness. The unconscious mind is the strange underworld that is expressed through dreams, decay or gossip, which can also be called a ” Freudian miss “.

This concept broke away from Descartes’ rationalism. Although people still do not know how far the unconscious mind extends, it is still a very important topic. We will discuss some quotes, which we believe describe the unconscious mind in a good way.

1. One of the most symbolic quotes that describes the unconscious mind

When we talk about the unconscious, it is impossible not to mention Sigmund Freud. Like the father of psychoanalysis, Freud studied the unconscious mind. And then it is no surprise that most of the quotes about the unconscious come from him. This is one of the most symbolic: “The interpretation of dreams is the royal path to knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.”

Most quotes about the unconscious mind come from Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis.

Prior to Freud’s theory, most of the elements of the subconscious were not considered worthy objects for study; this includes dreams. Freud, in contrast, thought they were very important. He found that they were hidden messages that, when interpreted, gave direct access to the unconscious mind.

2. The unconscious mind and destiny

Although both Freud and Jung distanced themselves from classical psychoanalysis, Jung stuck to its central concepts. This can be observed in the following quote: “One is not enlightened by imagining figures made of light, but by making darkness conscious.”

Freud stated that “the unconscious is destiny.” In essence, this means that unconscious activity dominates most of your actions and your general behavior. You organize your life in such a way that it abides by what the unconscious dictates.

3. Repetition

The unconscious is manifested in the repetition of experiences. This is often called “stumbling over the same stone many times”. When this happens, it is because of the determination of the unconscious mind.

“Everything that happens in our lives is connected to the unconscious. This is because it is, more than anything else, the matrix of our repetitions. ” This Gabriel Rolón quote describes the nature of that mechanism.

The unconscious mind is represented through repetition of experiences.

4. Love and the unconscious mind

This is a quote by Erich Fromm about the unconscious mind. It describes one of the mechanisms that operates through the fear of making love. “While we consciously fear not to love, the true fear, though often unconscious, is actually loving.”

This quote demonstrates the dynamics between the conscious and the unconscious. While you may think that you are afraid of not being loved by another, the truth is that you are actually afraid to love. Your fear is a cover for a feeling that reveals your fragility.

5. The language of the unconscious mind

In this quote we see a description of the unconscious mind when it comes to communication. “Almost our whole mind is unconscious. We must learn to communicate with the mysterious part of our mind. It has its own language, and symbols help us with this communication. ” This Elsa Punset quote refers to the idea that the language of the unconscious mind is coded. The quote also highlights the importance of establishing a connection with the reality that has so much to reveal both for and about us.

6. Society lies

John Grinder said: “We live in a culture that believes that most of what we do is done consciously. But most of what we do, and what we do best, is done unconsciously. ”

Society tells us to keep things under control and rationalize everything. Yet, deep down, we do not know why we do what we do. This is simply because our actions are determined by the unconscious mind.

7. A sense of humor

One of Facundo Cabral’s quotes describes the unconscious mind and its effects in a certain way: “Do not say that I can not even fool around, because the unconscious has no sense of humor! It will take this seriously and it will remind me of it every single time! ”

Although this quote is meant to be funny, it is what he claims quite seriously. It also goes hand in hand with the classical theory of the subject. It talks about the unconscious commands that make you behave or act in a certain way.

Is it the unconscious mind that pulls our strings?

The unconscious mind is a mystery. The things we do are determined by both our conscious and unconscious minds. Thus, it is a fascinating adventure to dive deeper into the unconscious mind. It also helps us to better understand who we really are.

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